AGU Meetings

Meetings of the American Geophysical Union

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Active Message Threads for July 2022

Dear colleagues, We encourage you to consider submitting abstracts to this session focused on ANSS: The Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) is a collaboration between universities, state agencies, and the US Geological Survey responsible for providing real-time earthquake information and data in the United States and territories. Through routine earthquake monitoring, the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system, and dense… [more]
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Dear collogues, We would like to invite contributions to our AGU session: S008 - Exploiting the Ambient Seismic Field: Opportunities From New Sources, Methodologies and Instrumentations Session Description: The ambient seismic (noise) field has been proven to contain a wealth of information about the Earth's structure and its time-varying properties. Recent advances in seismic instruments and technology (e.g., Fiber Optic Sensing systems and Large-N arrays, both onshore and offshore) of… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting: S014 - Machine-Learning-Based Earthquake Monitoring and Seismic Analysis Session description: In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have been widely applied to earthquake monitoring and seismic analysis including seismic detection, seismic classification, seismic denoising, phase picking, phase association, … [more]
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Dear all, We would like to invite you to participate in and submit an abstract to our AGU2022 session: S009 Frontiers in Microseisms and Earthquake Late Coda: Observations, Theory, and Applications. The session will connect studies on different aspects of microseisms and earthquake late coda for new insights into constraining the structure of the solid Earth and understanding its interactions with processes in the ocean and atmosphere. The meeting will be held on 12-16 Dec, 2022, in Chicago … [more]
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Dear collogues, We would like to invite contributions to our AGU session: T001. A Multidisciplinary View of Structure, Dynamics and Evolution of the San Andreas Plate Boundary System and other transform faults. Session Description: The San Andreas Plate Boundary System (SAPBS) exhibits a wide range of structural and dynamic behavior along its length, including patterns of seismicity, plate boundary width (diffuseness), deformation partitioning, host lithologies, and tectonic history. Thi… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session on the complexity in diffuse fault zones at the next AGU 2022 Fall meeting in Chicago. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, August 3rd. S015 - Mechanical complexity and structural heterogeneity in diffuse fault zones: observation, modeling and experiments <> Session description… [more]
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Dear colleagues, The session “Theoretical and Computational Advances in Seismology” is back for the 2022 AGU Fall meeting, as the session S026. Our invited speakers this year are Christina Morency (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and Alex Hobé (Uppsala University, Sweden). Thanks for considering joining us to learn more about the latest developments in computational and theoretical seismology. Link to submit to this session:… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite submissions to our session V022: "Hotspots and Plumes - an Interdisciplinary Examination of the Critical Link Between Deep and Shallow Earth Processes” Session description: Hotspots and mantle plumes constitute a critical pathway by which deeply stored materials are brought to the surface, linking the classical plate tectonics model with a longer deep mantle cyclic storage hypothesis. Our evolving understanding of the dynamics of the lower mantle has ignited debate … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session on microseismicity and fault slip at the AGU 2022 Fall meeting in Chicago. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, August 3rd. Session link: <> S017: Microseismicity and fault slip: observations, modeling and experiments <> Sessio… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, we kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the session *S019 Observing Wave Field Gradients in Seismology – Applications, Instrumentation and Theory* (see the session description below). Link to session description and abstract submission: This year the AGU Fall Meeting will take place from 12 to 16 December 2022 in Chicago and online. Please note that the abstract submission deadline is *3 August (23:59 EDT/… [more]
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Dear all: We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session S016 - Mechanical State of Subducting Slabs and Physical Mechanisms of Deep Earthquakes: Integrating Seismological Observations, Laboratory Experiments, and Numerical Simulation ( Subduction zones are the most tectonically active regions in Earth and exert a major force driving mantle dynamics. Slabs exhibit complex lithology and vary dramatically in terms … [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite you to contribute to our interdisciplinary session at AGU 2022: T016 - Structure, Tectonics, and Earthquake Hazards of Cratons. With this session, we seek contributions from new data and results across disciplines to help elucidate the structure, tectonics, earthquake hazards, and evolution of cratons. We invite contributions from multiple disciplines, including but not limited to geology, geophysics, geochemistry, rock physics, geochronology, tectonics, and geody… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU Session S013: Induced seismicity and caprock failure in carbon sequestration and geo-energy applications ( The deadline is fast approaching,*Abstracts are due 3 August 2022, 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT*. We look forward to an exciting and engaging session Online and in Chicago in December. Thanks, Noam Zach Dvory (University of Utah) Jens-Erik Lund Snee (USGS) Sam S.… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to our 2022 AGU Fall Meeting session: T011 - Multiscale Crustal Deformation in Subduction Zones and the Megathrust Earthquake Cycle: Progress from Observations and Models <>. The meeting will be held in Chicago, IL and Online Everywhere December 12-16, and your abstracts are due by August 3. Details of the session are provided below. We hope to see you in Chicago or online at the meet… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session on, "D12 - Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Dynamics: Observations, Models, and Experiments" that will take place at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting on 12-16 December in-person (Chicago, IL) and online. Please see below for a detailed description of the session. Additional details and abstract submission instructions may be found here: <> We look forward to seein… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to bring to your attention the following session at the next AGU 2022 Fall meeting in Chicago. The deadline for abstract submission is Wednesday, August 3rd. Session Title: DI006. Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle: Perspectives from Imaging, Modeling, Geochemistry, and Experiments Link:<;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!ZKG_iQYcu3_ogd… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to our session on quantifying mantle properties and processes via integration of laboratory, field, and geophysical datasets, taking place at the AGU 2022 Fall Meeting in Chicago and online from December 12–16, 2022. The deadline for submission is *August 3rd*. Link to session description and abstract submission: *DI007 - Bridging the observational gap: Integrating laboratory, field… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our AGU session focused on the role of fault healing in the seismic cycle: T008. Frictional, geological, and geophysical signatures of fault healing: Mechanisms and implications for deformation during the earthquake cycle<>. Abstracts are due on 3 August 2022. Session description: Fault healing or restrengthening is a necessary component of the seismic cycle. Parameters such as… [more]
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Creasy, Neala Marie
2022-07-20 17:08:29
Dear all colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the following 2022 AGU session on interdisciplinary investigations of the lower mantle. The meeting will be held on Dec 12-16, 2022, in Chicago, USA & Online. Deadline for submission is August 3rd, 2022. DI015: Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding on the Structure, Composition, and Dynamic Evolution of the Lower Mantle Here you can find the detailed description and submission link:… [more]
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Shubham Agrawal
2022-07-20 04:47:49
Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit contributions to our interdisciplinary session "Unusual Subduction Processes" (D1016). In this session, we invite contributions from all disciplines, including geodynamics, geophysics, geochemistry, field geology, and mineral physics in a common effort to advance the understanding of subduction processes and dynamics. The AGU Fall Meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois and online from December 12-16, 2022, with abstracts due August 3rd. To… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We’d like to invite you to submit an abstract to our AGU session T020: The Alaskan and Northern Canadian Cordillera: Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Petrology, and Tectonics<;!!HXCxUKc!0T3e69KBqHXi2VL-ZOkG8YqOoPZl1qOf6-gcQizBHFFgyksDj_uChRjg3N3NLrK4zsVucd9accwPBotUZg$>. The Alaskan and northern Canadian Cordillera, stretching from British Columbia and southeast Alaska to the Beaufort,… [more]
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We invite contributions to our AGU 2022 Session, NH008 – Earthquake Scenario Development, Deployment, and Uses. We hope to have a multidisciplinary session on natural hazard scenarios that includes geoscientists, social scientists, engineers, and urban planners. The AGU Fall Meeting is in Chicago, Illinois and online from December 12-16, 2022. The abstract deadline is August 3, 2022 at 11:59 EDT. To submit an abstract to our session please go to:… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Are you working on earthquake sources and going to attend the 2022 AGU Fall meeting? We would like to invite you to submit contributions to our session: Advancements in imaging earthquake source processes (S001 in Seismology). The AGU Fall Meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois and online from December 12-16, 2022. Abstracts are due August 3rd. Session link: S001: Advancements in imaging earthquake source … [more]
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We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the 2022 AGU Fall Annual Meeting Session S010 on “Geophysics for Geothermal Energy.” We welcome abstracts on geophysical technologies applied to all types (e.g., direct use, hydrothermal, EGS and supercritical geothermal system) of geothermal energy, such as active surface seismic, vertical seismic profiling, distributed acoustic sensing, large-N array, induced seismicity, ambient seismic noise, gravity, magnetotellurics, electrical resistance … [more]
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We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to the 2022 AGU Fall Annual Meeting Union Session U009 on “Geologic Carbon Storage.” We welcome submission of abstracts on research exploring the applications of geologic, geochemical, hydrological, and geophysical science for improved characterization, operation, monitoring, and management of geologic carbon storage. 2022 AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL & Online Everywhere; 12-16 December 2022 Session ID: 157988 Session Title: U009. Geologic Ca… [more]
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Quentin Brissaud
2022-07-12 08:15:23
Dear Colleagues, Are you coming to the AGU 2022 fall meeting? Consider submitting an abstract to our session: P029 Seismo-acoustics: a planet’s dialog from the ground to the edge of space. We invite seismic and acoustic contributions investigating observational datasets, instrumentation, machine learning, and numerical modeling! The AGU meeting will take place in Chicago and online on December 12-16. Find more information below. Don't hesitate to reach out to any of the conveners if you have q… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit contributions to our AGU Session: NH019: Performance, Progress, and Promotion of Earthquake Early Warning Worldwide. The AGU Fall Meeting will take place in Chicago, Illinois and online from December 12-16, 2022. Abstracts are due August 3rd. Please see the session description below for details, and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the conveners. Session Description NH019 - Performance, Progress, and Promotion of Earth… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite contributions to our AGU Session: NH009 - Geohazards and Society: Striving Towards Improved Natural Hazard Resilience for All. The AGU meeting this year will take place in Chicago and online on December 12-16. Abstracts are due on August 3rd. Please see the session description below for details. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the conveners. Session Description NH009 - Geohazards and Society: Striving Towards Improve… [more]
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Josh Crozier
2022-07-08 17:35:32
Hello all, We invite contributions to our session "V020 - Volcano Seismology and Acoustics: Recent Advances in Understanding Volcanic Processes" at the AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, taking place in Chicago and online from December 12-16. Hazardous phenomena at volcanoes include ash plumes, gas emissions, explosions, pyroclastic density currents, lava flows, lahars, and mass wasting. All of these processes produce seismic and acoustic signals that can provide key real-time information for assessi… [more]
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Dear colleagues – we will be hosting a session at the fall AGU meeting focused on the Advanced National Seismic System, and we invite abstracts from disciplines (seismology, geodesy, outreach and education, earthquake and volcano hazard analysis, etc.) that both contribute to and benefit from the resources and products of the ANSS. Session Description: The Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) is a collaboration between universi… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting <> returns for fall 2022 both in-person in Chicago, IL and virtually from December 12th – 16th, 2022. We invite you to please consider submitting your abstract to our session, *DI008. Constraining the Thermal Structure in the Upper Mantle with Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Multiple Datasets*, and joining us either in-person or virtually in December. We hope to host a vibrant session where we'll … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting <> returns for fall 2022 both in-person in Chicago, IL and virtually from December 12th – 16th, 2022. We’re calling on undergraduate students to submit an abstract to our session, ED034. Undergraduate Students Sharing in the Geosciences: Promoting Scientific Research Collaborations Across Disciplines (see details below). We hope you will join us to present either in-person or virtually in December.… [more]
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