Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a potentially transformative technology in the geosciences and engineering. The rapidly increasing interest in DAS arises from its use in continuous arrays that can be kilometers in length while providing spatial resolution of meters and frequency response from millihertz to kilohertz. This mailing list provides a forum for discussion on all topics related to DAS technology including: applications, installation, data acquisition, handling and processing of data, engineering and scientific technical development, and advertisement of upcoming events, workshops, meetings, or other opportunities in the DAS community.

For more information on the Distribution Acoustic Sensing Research Coordination Network, please go to: https://www.iris.edu/hq/initiatives/das_rcn

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Moderated by
kasey.aderhold@iris.edu, Herb Wang
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Active Message Threads for July 2022

Hi All, I would like to bring to your attention the workshop 2nd EAGE Workshop on Fiber Optic Sensing for Energy Applications, happening from the 5-7 of December in Kuala Lumpur. We are currently accepting the submission of extended abstracts until the 31st of July. Please check out the range of topics on the website and consider submitting an abstract. There will also be a virtual component to the workshop as well, for those who are not sure if they can make it in person. For more informatio… [more]
Dear DAS RCN community, Felix Bernauer (Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich), Yara Rossi (ETH Zurich), Eva P. S. Eibl (University of Postdam), and I (University of Colorado Boulder) would like to draw your attention to the 2022 AGU session: S019 Observing Wave Field Gradients in Seismology – Applications, Instrumentation and Theory. Session Description: Recent advances in seismic instrumentation have made direct observation of the complete seismic wave field possible, including the spatia… [more]
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2022-07-21 08:00:00
The DAS RCN webinar "Instrumentation Showcase - Part 3" was held on July 20, 2022 and a recording is now available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYZKhYrceWw. Thank you again to our presenters Dan Danskin of Alcatel Submarine Networks and Jakob Haldorsen of MagiQ Technologies, as well as our moderator Yingping Li. Please see below for contact information and websites for following up on content in the presentations as well as your instrumentation needs. - Dan Danskin, Alcatel Submarin… [more]
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Please join us on *Wednesday July 20th at 10:00-11:00 AM Eastern* for… *DAS RCN WEBINAR: Instrumentation Showcase - Part 3* *Organized by the DAS RCN Instrumentation Working Group* *Moderated by Yingping Li* *Presenters: Dan Danskin (Alcatel Submarine Networks) and Jakob Haldorsen (MagiQ Technologies)* *Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EhW70ITPRP6P-oIPszMuHw <https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EhW70ITPRP6P-oIPszMuHw>* The Instrumentation Working Group of the NSF-funded DAS Res… [more]
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Hi DAS RCN – Nate Lindsey (FiberSense), Paul Barford (Computer Sciences, U. of Wisconsin-Madison), Dante Fratta (Geological Engineering, U. of Wisconsin-Madison), and I invite you to submit an abstract to a session that we hope will offer a multidisciplinary view of vibration sensing on fiber-optic cable. S018 - Novel Methods of Vibration Sensing on Fiber-optic Cable https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm22/prelim.cgi/Session/159652 Description: Recent research detecting large earthquakes using change… [more]
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Andreas Wuestefeld
2022-07-14 16:05:51
The IRIS DAS RCN is coordinating a global measurement campaign of fibre systems. We envision a campaign where multiple DAS systems are recording at the same time in different regions of the globe for a certain time, such that we can look at teleseismic EQs. That way we could find out how a global monitoring system based on DAS should look like. We hope that there are a few interesting global EQs during that period, and each participant can upload triggered data window to a central storage lo… [more]
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