Data Request Help

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Active Message Threads for November 2021

Sunil kumar T.C
2021-11-13 18:39:33 - 2021-11-23 13:37:13
Dear Sir/Madam, Previously, we were using waveform in seed format so that we will get response file directly by using rdseed. Now the data from IRIS-wilber3, we are getting sac/minimised. I need the waveform and its response file in seed format. How can download the waveform and respective response file separately?
2021-11-02 17:31:49 - 2021-11-05 15:25:15
Dear Sir/Madam, I am recently trying to download continuous seismic recordings from stations in Oklahoma by using Obspy. I frequently get the following error massage. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 289, in <module> ierr = main_body() File "", line 40, in main_body ierr = obspy_stationxml(epath,firsttime,finaltime,savexml=False) File "", line 199, in obspy_stationxml client = Client(iclient) File "/home/sxz16… [more]
Hi there, Three weeks ago, I emailed both the IRIS Data Processing Help and Data Request Help about gaps between the traces I was downloading from the Vaisala weather station on L18K in the Alaska Transportable Array. (See previous message for details.) I have not heard anything back and am therefore emailing again. Thanks, Mel Zhang (张) How to pronounce my name<> Pronouns: she/her PhD student, Geophysics Colorado School of Mines sits upon the traditional la… [more]
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