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Active Message Threads for October 2016

Carl Tape
2016-10-20 02:30:56 - 2016-10-20 23:52:57
Dear Seismological Community: We have received over 200 responses to this survey (thank you!), and we are hoping for even better representation to guide our efforts. For those of you putting it off, please complete the survey (by Monday): The IRIS working group on High Performance Computing and Seismic Data ( is seeking your feedback on computational needs for your research (or operations) in sei… [more]
We would like to invite contributions to a Special Issue of the journal Tectonics, entitled: "Orogenic cycles: from field observations to global geodynamics", in commemoration of our friend and colleague Dr Marco Beltrando, who tragically passed away in early December 2015. The volume can be described as follows: Orogens do not evolve in a continuum manner. Instead their evolution is characterized by episodes of intense contractional deformation intermitted by periods of tectonic quiescence. T… [more]
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Carl Tape
2016-10-07 21:36:42 - 2016-10-13 04:47:47
Dear Seismological Community: The IRIS working group on High Performance Computing and Seismic Data ( is seeking your feedback on computational needs for your research (or operations) in seismology or related data-driven fields such as geodesy or infrasound. If you do research in any of these areas, with or without HPC, please help us by filling out this survey! Your survey responses will help guide future efforts to meet your computatio… [more]
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