IRIS General Announcements

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Active Message Threads for December 2016

Michael Hubenthal
2016-12-05 21:26:35
The IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program is pleased to announce the opening of their online application system for the summer of 2017. Please help us spread the word about this exciting program by bringing it to the attention of student in your departments! Resources to help you make these announcements can be found here (e.g slide sets, text for listservs, etc)... Students can learn more about the program or apply… [more]
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Leslie Linn
2016-12-02 17:46:46
Dear Colleagues, These have been a very busy 6 months as we worked on preparing our proposal for the management and operation of what NSF is calling the “National Geophysical Observatory for Geoscience” or NGEO for short. According to the solicitation, NGEO will comprise “a distributed, multi-user, national facility” for the maintenance and operation of modern geodetic, seismic and related geophysical instrumentation to support research and education in the Earth sciences. NGEO effectively c… [more]
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Dear Colleagues: IRIS is pleased to announce that the data collected during the Community Wavefields Demonstration Experiment are now fully archived and available at the IRIS DMC. They data can be accessed via standard DMC tools, and you can view the metadata here: In early 2016 IRIS solicited concepts for a community wavefield experiment to demonstrate the feasibility and methods of recording the full seismic wavefield. Many excellent conce… [more]
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