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Active Message Threads for May 2019
Institution: Dalhousie University
Open Until: 2019-12-31
The Department of Earth Sciences at Dalhousie University is seeking two highly-motivated PhD students in seismology. Tuition, generous stipend, and other fees are funded for both graduate research positions.
One PhD student will work on seismicity monitoring and classification in Baffin Bay. The student will collect and process land and marine (ocean bottom seismometer - OBS) data, and use these data to determine seismic location, ma…
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Chunquan Yu
2019-05-29 09:54:36
Institution: Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Open Until: 2019-12-31
A two-year postdoctoral scholar position in structural seismology is available at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). We seek a highly-motivated scientist to work on state-of-the-art seismic imaging techniques to study crust and mantle structures at both regional and global scales. We aim to better understand the tectonics and dynamics of the lithosphere and the underlying mantle. P…
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Maya Takebayashi
2019-05-27 04:51:50
Institution: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Open Until: 2019-06-14
The Computational Science and Engineering Group, Center for Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology (MAT), Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG), JAMSTEC is recruiting a total of one position as a Project Scientist or Project Technical Scientist or Project Engineer.
[Job Description]
The Computational Science and Engineering Group, Center for Mathematical Scien…
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Amanda Thomas
2019-05-20 12:42:45
A two-year postdoctoral position in earthquake hazards is available in
the Department
of Earth Sciences <> at the University of
Oregon <>. We seek a motivated scientist and
proficient programmer to pursue multiple lines of research broadly aimed at
developing a better understanding of earthquake and tsunami hazards in
Cascadia and beyond.
The successful candidate will be jointly mentored by Profs. Amanda Thomas
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Institution: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Open Until: 2019-10-01
We seek two highly motivated PhD students to join our research teams in Computational Earthquake Seismology and Crustal Deformation and InSAR at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The two PhD students will take part in an exciting international project that aims at characterizing the active tectonics along with the seismic and volcanic hazards in the Red Sea and western Saudi Arabi…
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Institution: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Open Until: 2019-06-30
This position is located on the Lamont Campus in Rockland County, NY.
Provide technical support for the Lamont-Doherty Cooperative Seismographic Network (LCSN, URL: Activity includes preparation, installation, operation and repair of seismic equipment used to monitor earthquakes. Field work to average 25-35% of the time, seasonally (that is,
5-10 days a month, l…
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Koen Van Noten
2019-05-15 12:51:12
Institution: Royal Observatory of Belgium
Open Until: 2019-05-31
Dear colleagues,
In the framework of EPOS, we are looking for an early career and dynamic collaborator at the Royal Observatory of Belgium in Brussels for performing array techniques with available equipment to characterise the sites hosting the Belgian Broadband and Accelerometric stations. This 2yr position is opened at the postdoctoral level but candidates who are experienced in site characterisation are still eligible as w…
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Institution: UNAVCO
Open Until: 2019-07-15
The UNAVCO Board of Directors seeks Applicants to the position of President. Located in Boulder, Colorado, UNAVCO is a non-profit corporation that supports and promotes Earth science by advancing high-precision geodetic positioning, timing, and remote sensing for basic research, environmental studies, environmental monitoring and hazards mitigation.
Our membership is composed of international education, research, and operational institutions with …
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U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory seeks to hire a
research geophysicist with expertise in geodesy as a permanent appointment
at the GS-13 grade level ($94,425-122,750 per year). Minimum experience
required is the equivalent of a Ph.D. in geophysics or a related field as
well as one year of postdoctoral research. The incumbent will conduct
research on deformation of volcanoes in the Cascade Range and elsewhere to
elucidate volcanic, hydrothermal, and tectonic processes, inter…
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Institution: University of Grenoble, CNRS
Open Until: 2019-08-31
The Institute of Earth Science of the University of Grenoble (FRANCE) seeks a highly-motivated, high-potential applicant for a PhD position to work within the research project ERC MONIFAULT ( led by Piero Poli ( The PhD student will work on the working package focused on integrated analysis of geophysical data to understand the nucleation of earthquakes in cont…