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Active Message Threads for July 2018

Dear IRIS Community, If you haven't signed up for ISTI's 2018 SeisComP3 Course, don't miss your chance. This September 24 – 28, ISTI will host one of our popular training courses, this time on SeisComp3 in Kingston, New York. To RESERVE YOUR SEAT NOW complete our short contact form: http://www.isti.com/contact/contact-us/ This course will be useful to anyone setting up, managing, tuning, or doing post-processing work on a SeisComP3 system. In the course, we will focus on the open source… [more]
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ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop Athens, Greece, 12-14 November 2018 Dear colleague, the ORFEUS (https://www.orfeus-eu.org/)<https://www.orfeus-eu.org/)> Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop of this year will be held in Athens, Greece, on 12-14 November 2018. The workshop will focus on Strong-Motion Seismology and Engineering Seismology. Core thematic areas are: T1 - Coordination and knowledge transfer among Euro-Mediterranean networks and observatories; T2 - ORF… [more]
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2018-07-11 20:08:16
First Announcement: The Cuban Geological Society (SCG) is pleased to invite scientists, professionals, technicians and university students of Geology, Geophysics, Mining and related Geosciences, to participate in the VIII Earth Sciences Convention (GEOCIENCIAS´2019), and Exhibition of Products, New Technologies and Services (GEOEXPO´2019), to be held at the International Conference Center of Havana, Cuba on April 1 - 5, 2019. XIII Geology Congress (GEOLOGIA´2019) X Geophysics Congress (GEOFIS… [more]
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Dear all, We are pleased to announce the latest in the British Geophysical Association New Advances in Geophysics series of meetings will be held on the ‘Future of passive seismic acquisition’ at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK on November 12th-13th 2018. More information, including links for registration can be found on our meeting website: https://nagedinburgh.wordpress.com Over the last 20-30 years there have been big changes in the development, deployment and analysis of pass… [more]
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