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Active Message Threads for May 2019

DON'T MISS OUT! The RSVP deadline is TOMORROW! This is a reminder for you to RSVP if you haven't already! Please fill out our RSVP <https://earthscope.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e3dba87bb5d7a925a1e5dd689&id=ce29fc8e50&e=de6f50c0cc> form by the end of the day TOMORROW with your name and number of guests. Please specify attendance at the symposium, reception or both. -- Celebrating EarthScope’s Fifteen Years of Geoscience Accomplishments The EarthScope National Office, … [more]
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2019 - 2020 CIG Speaker Series The CIG Speakers Series seeks to promote computational modeling in geodynamics and related earth science disciplines. Speakers are drawn from a diverse pool of experts with exceptional capability to communicate the power of computation for understanding the dynamic forces that shape the surface and operate in the interior of our planet. Lectures are aimed at a broad scientific audience suitable for departmental or university colloquia series, and similar venues. … [more]
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Stefan Lisowski
2019-05-08 02:14:12
Hi All - For those who’re not able to make it to Germany for gempa’s English language course, or to Panama for their Spanish language course, ISTI is also offering an English language course in New York City in September. Here’s some info from the blurb on our web site: This course will be useful to anyone setting up, managing, tuning, or doing post-processing work on a SeisComP3 system. In the course, we will focus on the open source version of SeisComP3; free for non-commercial uses. … [more]
Gabriel Lotto
2019-05-07 16:58:59
Dear Colleagues, The Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction RCN<https://www.sz4dmcs.org/> would like to invite you to participate remotely in our Fluid Transport Modeling Workshop from May 30 - June 1, via zoom webinar. Please register for remote participation by clicking here<https://zoom.us/webinar/register/3915572483254/WN_fWKyWzGxT9--pBO66kO3iw>. The workshop will focus on assessing the critical aspects of fluid transport that should be included in the future integrative community modeling… [more]
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*** SAVE THE DATE *** WlORKSHIOP Securing Seismic Legacy Data to Enable Future Discoveries September 18-19, 2019 Albuquerque, New Mexico New seismological data mining methods are enabling discoveries and cross-disciplinary research across Earth system science. Research is challenged by the relatively short time period of observation for which digital records are readily available. Historical data recorded on paper and other physical media when suitably converted into machine readable formats, … [more]
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Dear seismological community, We are announcing the next round of our popular Basic Training for SeisComP3 at gempa GmbH in Potsdam, Germany in autumn this year, 09 - 12 September, 2019. This beginner course is perfect for new SeisComP3 users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP3 system. Since training will be held by experienced staff from gempa - the development and service company for SeisComP3 - you can directly learn from the developers! Find more inform… [more]
Dear seismological community, We are again announcing the Advanced Training for SeisComP3 at gempa GmbH in Potsdam, Germany from 16 to 19 September, 2019. This Advanced Course is perfect for experienced SeisComP3 users who wish to advance their SeisComP3 experience beyond standard application and increase the productivity of SeisComP3 systems for monitoring of local earthquakes. Find more information online [1] and on the SeisComP3 community forum [2]. See you in Potsdam! Your S… [more]
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