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Active Message Threads for September 2019

Please note that registration closes on October 1st! (Registration link below) In the last few years, there have been many scientific advances related to earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest, making some reflection and discussion of paths forward timely. Toward that end, the USGS PNW Earthquake Hazards Project and the University of Washington invite you to attend a series of events November 4-6, 2019 in Seattle: Monday, Nov. 4, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm PT - Future Strategies for the Cascadia 3… [more]
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Dear Colleagues Re: Save the date - Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary workshop in Paris: 11-12 May 2020 The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is one of the fundamental plate boundaries on earth, separating the rigid lithospheric lid above the ductile asthenosphere, but its nature remains illusive. In the last 5-10 years, there has been a significant progress in imaging of the LAB using different methods, such as surface wave, receiver function, seismic reflection and seismic wide-angle, an… [more]
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Gabriel Lotto
2019-09-16 17:26:36
Dear Colleagues, It is now possible to register to participate remotely in the MCS RCN Megathrust Modeling Workshop, which will take place from October 7-9 in Eugene, OR. To register, please go to: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/7515686547747/WN_chMFg0LRTpGsTSUsT7f1mA. The Megathrust Modeling Workshop will focus on assessing the critical aspects of faulting, earthquake sequences and aseismic slip, and megathrust rupture dynamics that should be included in the future integrative community mo… [more]
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Peng, Zhigang
2019-09-10 16:59:15
Dear colleagues: We would like to draw your attention to the session on "Earthquake Triggering/Interaction" at the 36th International Geological Congress in Delhi, India (March 2-8, 2020). Please note that the abstract submission deadline is Sept. 15th for free, and Oct. 15th for 20USD (submission fee). Thank you very much. https://www.36igc.org/science-program Under Theme 41 (Quantification of Non-linear Geological Processes) 41.2 Earthquake Triggering/Interaction Zhigang Peng zpeng@ga… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We'd like to draw your attention to the following session at 36th IGC held in Dheli, INDIA (March 2-8, 2020; www.36igc.org) Important dates are, Abstract deadline: Sept. 15 for free; Oct. 15 for 20USD; ------------------------------------- Session 13.2 "Images of the Deep Earth and Geodynamics" (conveners: H Kawakatsu, C Faccenna, TW Becker) under Theme 13 "Imaging Earth's Interior": (https://www.36igc.org/science-program for Program) This symposium int… [more]
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