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Active Message Threads for May 2020

[ apologies for any cross-posting ] Dear all, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy these days. As a replacement for the many department seminars which were cancelled as a result of COVID-19 and lockdowns, I am starting an International Virtual Seminar Series in Geophysics and Tectonics. This G&T Seminar will be held on Zoom at 11:00am Eastern time on Wednesdays. The seminars will be 50 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions. If you are interested in joining in the seminar s… [more]
Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested, We are again announcing our Basic Training for the OpenSource SeisComP - the popular software for automatic and interactive earthquake analysis in real time. This Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system. We are guaranteeing an intensive hands-on training despite the online character. Participants may bring their own datasets for training. Promotion This is a promoti… [more]
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Dear seismology community and everyone interested, We are again announcing our Advanced Training for SeisComP with a strong focus on local earthquake monitoring. This time the training will take place online. This Advanced Course is perfect for experienced SeisComP users who wish to advance their SeisComP experience beyond standard application and increase the productivity of SeisComP systems for monitoring of local earthquakes. We are guaranteeing an intensive hands-on training despit… [more]
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