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Active Message Threads for July 2020

Dear Seafloor Geodetic Community, As a precursor to our Workshop on Seafloor Geodesy (which is postponed until 2021), we are putting together a series of engagement opportunities, including at least two 1-hour webinars, and a request for whitepapers, with the opportunity to give brief online overviews of the topics within. The first webinar will be given by Roland Bürgmann from U.C. Berkeley on the current state-of-the-art in Seafloor Geodesy, and will be held on August 3rd at 2pm EDT (… [more]
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Hi All - ISTI ran a successful online Earthworm (a cross-platform open-source regional automatic seismic processing software system) course in June. The online course turned out to be so popular that we added a second Earthworm Course in August so that we could give people the same attention that we give during the in-person course by limiting class size, and also so we could sign people up for whom a later time of day was better. The 2nd August course still has some seats, so if you're … [more]
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Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested, We are again announcing our Basic Training for the OpenSource SeisComP - the popular software for automatic and interactive earthquake analysis in real time. This training will be our first chance for you to learn about SeisComP in version 4. The version 4 has been recently released and this new generation will be the future of SeisComP replacing SeisComP3. The Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with … [more]
Dear Seafloor Geodetic Community*, As a precursor to our Workshop on Seafloor Geodesy (which is postponed until 2021), we are putting together a series of engagement opportunities, including at least two 1-hour webinars, and a request for whitepapers, with the opportunity to give brief online overviews of the topics within. The first webinar will be given by Roland Bürgmann from U.C. Berkeley on the current state-of-the-art in Seafloor Geodesy, and will be held on August 3rd at 2pm EDT … [more]
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