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Active Message Threads for September 2006
I confess I have not thought very much about macros, because a technique
I have used for several generations of sac seems to work.
I have made up an "init.m" file that runs when I start sac. I do this by
creating an alias for sac:
equake{snoke}451: alias sac
/usr/local/bin/sac /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
equake{snoke}452: cat /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
* SAC macro to intitialize environment each time SAC2000 is started.
*echo on
*******RANDY'S SAC ENVIRONMENT*********…
Re: macros - Talal - 2006-09-20 18:01:56
Synthetic Data - MATTHEW RICHARD AGIUS - 2006-09-28 22:45:06
I need help in making SAC work on G5mac or MaBookPro laptop
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Can SAC make response spectra? If not, how can sac files be converted for
MATLAB to read?
Thanks for the help,
Re: response spectra - Frederik Tilmann - 2006-09-23 02:29:03
Yes, sac files can be read by matlab through saclab. go here
On 9/20/06, sac-help-request@iris.washington.edu <
sac-help-request@iris.washington.edu> wrote:
> Send sac-help mailing list submissions to
> sac-help@iris.washington.edu
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://www.iris.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/sac-help
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body …
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Dear Sir
I'm a novice user with Linux OS. I do following in Linux Redhat 9.0:
1. Extract the SAC zip, which contains aux, bin, lib and utils folders, file in /usr/local
2. Add following lines to .bash_profile file:
- export SACAUX=/usr/local/SAC/aux
- export SACGRAPHICS=xwindows
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/SAC/bin
3. Then after reboot write sac to execute the program.
But, the "cannot ececute binary file" massage appears.
I appreciated it very much if you could advise how can I run sac …
Re: Problem in Running SAC - andreas wessel - 2006-09-15 18:54:32
Does anyone have a work around for the problem of getting colour in
sac2000 under linux? This is particularly a hassle with the spectrogram
command where you cannot see the spectrogram at all. If I issue the
command "spectrogram gray" I get an error
spectrogram gray
Window size: 79 Overlap: 39 FFT size: 256
Spectrogram dimensions are 512 by 23 .
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage)
Serial number of failed…
Re: colour in sac2000 under linux - andreas wessel - 2006-09-15 18:42:26
I am trying to run sac ver 100.0 from IRIS under linux fedora core 3.
I installed the program in /usr/local/bin/sac (as root). I then had to
change permissions on csspickpref, clstd, clspe, and clsss in
/usr/local/bin/sac/aux as I could not read when I was logged in as myself.
Once I had done this I got a 'segmentation fault'.
I have the SACAUX environment variable set and when I tried the same
procedure on a system running redhat 9 I got exactly the same result.
Has anyone experie…
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remove me from this list please
Ray Martin
Unix Administrator (IT)
Research School of Earth Science
Jaeger 2, Building 61, Mills Road
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email: ray.martin@anu.edu.au
CRICOS Provider #001200C
Re: remove me from this list please - Robert Casey - 2006-09-14 23:44:01
My experience with many versions of SAC on SUNOS, Solaris
and SuSe Linux is that neither SAC macros, nor SAC data
files require an extention. I use macro names with no extention
and .sac for data, but the .sac is only needed because I
have written file manipulation and auto ftp programs
(in expect, bash, perl) to expect it.
Jim Lawson
Oklahoma Geological Survey Observatory
Leonard OK
> but, i'm wondering what should the Macro file extension should be
> after creating them with text edit…
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When I was using the older version of sac I would save my macros in the
macro directory manually, since setmacro did not work for me in the
older version also. My directory was located at /home/sac/aux/macros,
maybe yours is something similar? So create the macro there, make sure
it is executable (has an asterisk(*) after it). Then go back and try
again. Hope that helps!
From: sac-help-bounces@iris.washington.edu
[mailto:sac-help-bounces@iris.washington.edu] On Behalf Of Talal
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i'm new Sac user. and i have read all the e-mails regarding the Macros. actaully i have faced the same problem as Leah found it.
i'm trying now practicing the macro using the SAC manual. but, the first problem i have found is the macro which i creat doesn't work? same as leah...!!
it says that the MACRO file is not found..!!
but, i'm wondering what should the Macro file extension should be after creating them with text editors..? and do i need do add SETMACRO command …
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Thanks for your reply Kevin.
Are you using the version 100.1 beta?
I also have a macbook pro with intel processors. Thus far, I am using
sac v100, and when I untarred the file, there was no /sac/src
directory. I actually have a sacio.a file, but when I try linking to
it, I get messages like the following..
/usr/bin/ld: warning /Applications/sac/lib/sacio.a archive's cputype
(18, architecture ppc) does not match cputype (7) for specified -arch
flag: i386 (can't load from it)
Re: sacio.a for Intel Mac - Arthur Snoke - 2006-09-13 15:25:04
Hi i'm new Sac user. and i have read all the e-mails regarding the Macros. actaully i have faced the same problem as Leah found it.
i'm trying now practicing the macro using the SAC manual. but, the first problem i have found is the macro which i creat doesn't work? same as leah...!!
it says that the MACRO file is not found..!!
but, i'm wondering what should the Macro file extension should be after creating them with text editors..? and do i need do add SETMACRO command in the sa…
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Hello Leah,
One way I can think of to normalize the y (or for that matter x) axis is to
use the "lim" command on SAC. For example in your case to normalize the
window you can use,
SAC>> ylim -1500000 1500000
SAC>> p1
This should be able to temporarily normalize your axis (i.e. as long as you
keep your window opened and ylim running). Remember you would need to save
the file if you want to have it as a permanant change.
On 9/12/06, sac-help-request@iris.washington.edu <
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I have a problem running Sac on a Linux PC.
Whenever I load a file and then plot it I can't klick into that window (for
examle x+ left mouse for zoom). When I close that window afterwards I get an
error message (see blow).
The error occurs when I start my local sac or a remote session with ssh on
another computer.
I'm using ubuntu 6.06.1 with gdm and xfce4.
Trying kdm or xdm didn't help, neither did logging into kde or gnome. The
strange thing ist that I had it running, but I can't recover wh…
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I used PLOT1 to plot 3 different seismograms on one page. They all have
different y values. One goes from -4x10+5 to 4x10+5, while another goes
from -10x10+5 to 15x10+5. I would like all three to go from -15x10+5 to
15x10+5. How do I do this?
Thanks for the help,
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Thanks for your advice.
"write over" can solve the problem I posed under x86_64 GNU/Linux.
Cheers, Wenzheng
>I have also noticed strange behaviours when I try to use the writehdr
>command. (I am running sac on an intel-mac, as well as a power pc mac.)
>My workaround is to use "write over" instead of "writehdr". (This is
>fine for what I am doing, but of course, may or may not be for your
>particular case.)
>Georgia Cua
On Sep 3, 2006, at 6:14 AM, Brian Savage wrote…
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I am trying to use "ppk p 3 m on" to repick seismic phase
under linux x64 environment. But after I typing "writehdr",
the saved waveforms totally deformed. It is a bug? There is
no problem if I do the same thing under sun-unix or linux x32.
Wenzheng Yang
Geophysical graduate student @ University of Southern California
Re: Problem with sac2000 under x86_64 GNU/Linux - Brian Savage - 2006-09-03 07:14:17
Re: Problem with sac2000 under x86_64 GNU/Linux - Georgia Cua - 2006-09-04 23:03:07
I've scripted with SAC macros for over 14 years and
need some advice on how to make the full transition to
the Intel MacBook Pro.
I've got the latest version of SAC to work on my Mac,
but I use a fair amount of IO with Fortran codes (I
use WSAC, RSAC, WBBF, WBBV etc). I compiled sacio.a
on my machine using the Mac's C-compiler and WSAC and
RSAC work just fine (80% of my battle). However, the
subroutines related to the blackboad variables and
blackboard variable files do not work (bu…
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I am working with SAC on Linux.
I am getting the following error when i try to read some
SAC fiels.
error: out of meemory.
with the above error i am not able to read some SAC files.
Kindly suggest alternative and help me in solving the error.
with high regards
Department of Geophysics
Andhra University,
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I have three questions:
1- In Linux, when I read data and type spectrogram doesnt display on the screen (seismogram on top show up but spectrogram on the bottom doesnt).
2- In Linux, sgftops and sgftoai not work, and I could not compiled them.
3- In PC, Im using Cygwin-X-server, I telnet Unix machine then I run SAC software from my PC and read sac data but when I plot it doesnt display on my PC screen.
best regards;
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