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Active Message Threads for July 2011
Dear Eric,
You need a lot more help and time than I can devote, but here is a start.
I hope that other members of this list can point you to web resources
(perhaps some that they have written themselves).
Sheila Peacock.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SAC-HELP] Help to pick p & s phases, get instrument gain ...
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:44:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: ndoh ndikum <ndikumeric@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ndoh ndikum <ndikumeric@yahoo.com>
To: chad@iris.washington…
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We are planning to put the message file into a help file, which will then
be as well in the online manual.
We would appreciate it if folks could look at the file and advise us of
any errors, inconsistencies, or omissions.
No need to copy the whole list on this.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 10:08:41 -0400
From: Brian Savage <savage@uri.edu>
To: Andrew Schaeffer <aj.schaeffer@gmail.com>
Cc: Sac Help <sac-help@iris.washington.edu>
Subject: Re…
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(no body)
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Does anybody know a reference that lists the different error codes and
syntax for the C/Fortran library routines packaged with SAC? I didn't see
those in the online manual.
Re: sac library error codes - Brian Savage - 2011-07-28 17:08:41
Hello, hope this gets through!
this is an example of the behaviour I described to Sheila:
[neil@braeriach scratch]$ /sharedprograms/sac/v101.4/64/sac/bin/sac
SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [06/07/2010 (Version 101.4)]
Copyright 1995 Regents of the University of California
SAC> r *SHZ*sac
20020511_000000.EKB10.SHZ.sac 20020511_000000.EKB1.SHZ.sac
20020511_000000.EKB2.SHZ.sac 20020511_000000.EKB3.SHZ.sac
20020511_000000.EKB4.SHZ.sac 20020511_000000.EKB5.SHZ.sac
20020511_000000.EKB6.SHZ.sac 20020…
Re: printed comment in transfer command - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-26 23:57:45
My colleague adds that the current IRIS-released version, 101.4, also
behaves this way. S.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SAC-HELP] Fwd: Re: Fwd: printed comment in transfer command
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 08:31:54 +0100
From: Sheila Peacock <sheila@blacknest.gov.uk>
Organisation: AWE Blacknest
To: sac-help@iris.washington.edu <sac-help@iris.washington.edu>
Dear Arthur and All,
I got this from my colleague who has been using SAC for a
long time.
Sheila Peacock.
-------- Orig…
Re: Fwd: printed comment in transfer command - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-25 14:19:43
Dear Arthur and All,
I got this from my colleague who has been using SAC for a
long time.
Sheila Peacock.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Fwd: [SAC-HELP] printed comment in transfer command
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 08:27:30 +0100
this has probably been answered already.
The value is not always "1.0000". On older versions of SAC, if you apply
"transfer" to multiple waveforms simultaneously, then all but the first
waveform are multiplied by the "scale" value in the sa…
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Is the printout from RTREND of any use?
SAC> r ./2006.
SAC> rtrend
Slope and standard deviation are: -0.0018373 0.0014481
Intercept and standard deviation are: 375.65 2.1152
Data standard deviation is: 336.38
Data correlation coefficient is: 0.0039891
My preference would be to not print it out.
My second choice would be to have the printout appear only if the call was
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To my knowledge, since IRIS/SAC v100, EVDP (focal depth in the SAC
header) has not been used in any SAC command. Please let me know if there
are commands I have overlooked.
Because of historical reasons, EVDP (focal depth) in SAC has the units
according to the SAC manual. RDSEED converts EVDP from kilometers (which
it is in blockette 71 in SEED) to meters when writing SAC waveforms.
For v101.5, the units of EVDP will be of interest because we will (re)
introduce a version of the TRAVEL…
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Januka Attanayake - 2011-07-20 01:47:27
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - George Helffrich - 2011-07-20 11:50:54
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-20 14:05:23
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Januka Attanayake - 2011-07-20 13:41:19
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Renate Hartog - 2011-07-20 16:53:38
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Philip Crotwell - 2011-07-20 20:42:20
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-20 22:52:50
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - George Helffrich - 2011-07-22 02:11:33
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-22 03:34:01
Re: units of EVDP in SAC - George Helffrich - 2011-07-22 15:25:16
Mehari M. Ayele (G. Research Assistant)
The University of Memphis
Center of Earthquake Research and Information
3894 Central Av. St.1
Memphis, TN - 38152, USA
Office phone: 901-678-5053
From: sac-help-bounces@iris.washington.edu [sac-help-bounces@iris.washington.edu] On Behalf Of sac-help-request@iris.washington.edu [sac-help-request@iris.washington.edu]
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 6:28 PM
To: Mehari Melak Ayele (mmayele)
Subject: Welcome to the "sac-…
No replies
Hello! This is Mallory Morell from U of Arizona. I am trying to run this
#! /bin/csh -f
unsetenv CLICOLOR
set loc = `pwd`
#set stns = `ls -d [A-Z]*/badRF`
set stns = `ls -d test*/`
foreach stn ( $stns )
cd $stn
set files = `ls *a*.norm.itr`
foreach ff ( $files )
set fcut = `basename $ff .itr`
echo $fcut
echo $fcut | sac ../sacro_itr
echo -n " move files = 1 >>> "
set ans = $<
if ( $ans == 1) then
mv $fcut* badRF
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Just a quick enquiry to see if there are any existing modules or
scripts within sac which can be used for the construction of RSAM and
SSAM plots from continuous waveform data.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards'
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I've placed my "sac" folder in /Applications and am trying to modify my X11 bash shell to enable running SAC.
First: There is no ~/.bashrc file on my system, so I vi'd it, added the lines, and wrote it to that location. When I type:
" source ~/.bashrc "
I get a bunch of:
" bash: setenv: command not found "
errors. Since my ~/.bashrc file only has the two lines:
export SACHOME=/Applications/sac
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.csh
I'm not sure why I'm seeing these errors.
I'm a…
Re: Mac OS X Install - Derek Schutt - 2011-07-15 22:46:49
I made the mistake of writing a header value to disk of a cut file. Is
there anyway to recover the original waveform?
The file on disk remains at its original size, but header values are not
correct (e.g., NPTS and E). So, any ideas?
Jim Rutledge
TSPA (Technical data or Software Publicly Available)
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Dear Everyone
I am a beginner in SAC, I have some questions look forward to get your help,
1. I usually use Seisan to locate Earthquake epicenter, Recently I am
learning SAC and I don't know Can I use SAC to locate Earthquake epicenter.
2. When I use the SSS command, and use prs command to plot the seismograms
with the arrangement depend on the distant from earthquake to the station.
next step, I want to plot a stack from all seismograms depend on the
travel of Pn or Pg phase, please show …
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I'm getting a bus error running a macro, when the
correlate master 1 number 350 length 20
instruction is executed to cross correlate two series of 896001 samples each.
Tested on Mac OS X 10.5.x and 10.6.x, with 32 and 64 bit Sac v.101.4.
Was giving the same error with v.101.3b. RAM on the test machines goes
from 3 to 12 GB.
If I use only one window, like in
correlate master 1
the bus error does not occur. Also, the bus error does not occur if I
decimate the samples before cross correl…
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2011-07-08 20:24:32
- 2011-07-13 04:50:12
Dear sac-help:
I am wanting to compare synthetic seismograms computed using a
flat-earth model using two different techniques. It seems like it
would be easiest to "turn off" the sphericity/ellipticity of the
Earth, and then input the source and station locations in, say, km.
And then the azimuth and back-azimuth angles would differ by exactly
180 degrees. I do not see a sac header that might do this -- is there
a simple solution? Alternatively, it seems I could set LCALDA = false,
and then ma…
Re: flat-earth angles, distances, and src/rec locations - Philip Crotwell - 2011-07-11 15:24:46
Re: flat-earth angles, distances, and src/rec locations - Carl Tape - 2011-07-13 04:50:12
The "executing other programs from SAC macros" using "run-endrun" does not
work for my copy of the SAC, which is version 101.4 on a Mac. I have a macro
test.m with the following lines
$run ls
and I tried to run it with command
SAC> macro test.m
It gave me a "Segmentation fault" error.
Does anyone know why this happens? Thanks!
Re: run-endrun does not work (v101.4 on Mac) - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-13 03:03:26
I am working in 64-bit Linux machine with the most recent version
of Ubuntu installed. After retrieving a sac binary file to make a plot,
I cannot close the plot whatsoever. Moreover, I cannot change the
directory from the one where I retrieved the binary file. Also,
when using 'write alpha append .txt' to create a companion
text file, does it save it in the same folder with the binary file?
Thank you for your help.
Raymond Chen
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Dear SAC users,
I run SAC 101.3b under Ubuntu linux. When I read a sac file and plot
with p1 command, the pop up waveform window activated but I would like
teminal window activated to enter more commands while I am seeing
waveform window without click terminal window.
Is there anyway do this ?
Best wishes,
Metin Kahraman
Re: teminal activation - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-08 13:04:29
Re: teminal activation - Onur Tan - 2011-07-08 20:58:25
Dear SAC-users
I am picking/marking the phase after opening the OHPF in SAC (ver 101.3b). Earlier also i did the same with older version of SAC (100.0). To my surprise i am getting different formats while working with these versions of SAC. e.g.
MTP IPU0 2 1131423 6.00 (using ver 100.0) seems to be fine.
MTP IPU0 2 11314236.00 (using ver 101.3b)
KBC IPU0 2 1131422666.00 (using ver 101.3b)
I am not getting any fixed/proper format like earlier version.…
Re: Question related to HYPO format using OHPF - Brian Savage - 2011-07-08 19:29:22
Dear Sir/Madam
I am using SAC for seismological analysis for last two years. Recently I am using sac101.3b and got a problem in HYPO file format, I am unable to follow the format of case1.
case1 AMT IPU0 9 3161424338.00 345.3ISN0 0 0.0 (SAC101.3b)
case2 GDP IPU0 20116134145.99 46.31ISN0 0 0.0 (early version)
In case1, what last three digit reflects (ie 338.00).
I wish to obtain HYPO file format as shown in case2.
Please help me out ...
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Is there any possibility that SAC developers could add documentation on
calling SAC within a Shell script to the SAC User guide? This is an area I
repeatedly had problems with and haven't found a robust solution yet. The
external documentation that I have found online haven't been that helpful
Thank you.
Re: SAC with shell script - Arthur Snoke - 2011-07-08 05:11:33
Re: SAC with shell script - Januka Attanayake - 2011-07-08 02:20:06
For all transfer commands, there is a line printed to the screen:
Waveform multiplied by 1.000000 after deconvolution.
So far as I can tell it, this line serves no purpose. If any of you know
a reason to keep this printed output, please let me know.
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I am trying to resolve a difference between the SAC versions 101.3b and
*In 101.3b*:
I am performing "rotate to gcp" on a north and east component seismogram,
and writing out the radial and transverse components:
r s1.dn s1.de
rotate to gcp
->If I list the header (lh) at this point, the KCMPNM header value is now
empty (ie doesn't show up).
write s1.dr s1.dt
If I start sac again, and read in the dr and dt components, they now have
the KCMPNM header value, with "Q" for bo…
Re: Difference in 101.3b vs 101.4 with gcp rotation - Brian Savage - 2011-07-06 18:08:45