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Active Message Threads for April 2016

Mike Padgett
2016-04-23 20:15:15 - 2016-04-28 17:40:02
Can someone in the SAC network refer me to an individual who can answer questions about field filter settings at IU-QSPA? The detectors and time frames of interest are: VH1, VH2 and VHZ Locations 00, 10, 20, 50 and 70 Time range: 2001 – 2012 Question: Were hardware filters set in the field and if so, what were the settings? Any help would be most appreciate, Mike Padgett
Abhash Kumar
2016-04-27 20:50:17 - 2016-04-28 13:21:38
Hi, I am using SAC transfer function to correct for the instrument response as shown below: SAC> r 2012. SAC> rmean SAC> trans from evalresp fname RESP.IU.RSSD.10.BHZ to vel freqlimits 1 3 10 20 SAC> w 2012. I made an overlapping plot (waveform comparison.png) for the raw data and instrument response corrected data. The amplitude of instrument corrected data is exceptionally small. I was wondering if … [more]
Aderson Nascimento
2016-04-24 22:18:28
Hi All, I have an acceleration record from RefTek 131A 02/03 accelerometers with 130-GSN recorders. I am sending one of these records. It's a record of a quarry blast approx. 1 mile away. I've found a site ( with gains, A0 and sensitivity values leading to a constant value of 606627179.7. >From what I know these sensors have flat amplification from DC values to 500Hz. So, in practical terms to obtaing acceleration values, one sh… [more]
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‪mehrdad ansari‬ ‪
2016-04-06 00:14:10 - 2016-04-06 06:29:37
hello can you help?i face with an error when stacking,ERROR 1801: Header field mismatch:i use this script to stack my sac files,#!/bin/bash # Written by Ansaripour address_data=/home/mehrdad/CCF cd $address_data for fol in `ls` do cd $fol for pairst in `ls` ; do cd $pairst ls *RR* | awk '{print "r "$1"\nrmean\nrtr\nw over"} END {print "q"}' | sac ls *RR* | awk '{if (NR==1) print "r "$1;else print "addf "$1} END {print "div "NR"\nw stack.rr\nq"}' | sac   ls *ZZ* | awk '{print "r "$1"\nrm… [more]
2016-04-03 19:12:29 - 2016-04-04 18:16:23
hello can you help me? i face with one problem. my sac files are very split and when i want to merge them facing with a sac file that it has very zero. i want cross correlation of sac files to extract green function but can not. because the sac file after merge is not smooth. thank you. with kind regard Mehrdad Ansaripour.
  • Re: merge - Milton Plasencia - 2016-04-04 18:16:23
17:27:21 v.af9cd46b