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Active Message Threads for October 2019

Ray Russo
2019-10-29 15:47:40 - 2019-10-30 10:50:21
Hello SACexperts! I'm trying to get SAC header info from a large number of data files and I need some consistent formatting of the blackboard variables that are output. So, for example, I use: rh BK.HUMO..BH.2004. setbb slon &1,stlo& setbb slat &1,stla& setbb sname &1,kstnm& getbb TO stations.gmt names off newline off slon slat sname which results in: -122.96 42.607 HUMO Fine. But, I'd like to extract the complete station lon/lat stored in the header, which is actually… [more]
2019-10-29 03:28:33
dear all, I have obtained the source (sac-101.6a) from IRIS, while when I unzip the folder, I could not obtain the "aux" folder, and I tried many times in some other computer, it still could not work, anyone who also faced this problem and already solved? with best regards. Wu
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Ali K. Abdel-Fattah
2019-10-24 19:39:50
Dear all I'd like to know why the normalized correlation for two seismic signals is not working with sac. Best regards   Ali K. Abdel-Fattah Professor of Seismology
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2019-10-15 10:30:52 - 2019-10-15 14:03:36
Hi All, I have recently updated my macOS to Catalina and I am suddenly having issues with ppk. The crosshairs lag significantly behind the mouse cursor and even overshoot and oscillate when I stop moving the mouse. I have a Mac Pro (Late 2013) and am running Catalina 10.15 and SAC 101.6a. After updating my OS, I reinstalled XQuartz (version 2.7.11) etc. I am using an Apple magic mouse but don’t have a lag problem with any other software (and even in SAC, the cursor is fine but the crosshairs… [more]
2019-10-06 12:16:07 - 2019-10-08 11:22:21
Hello, I have download the SAC file from JWEED (IRIS), IDEP is not available in the Header information. Then I removed the instrument response using the response file by following the commands: evalresp ${KSTNM} ${KCMPNM} ${YEAR} ${DAY} 0.01 50.0 1000 -u 'vel' -f resp transfer from eval subtype afile pfile TO NONE FREQLIMITS 0.005 0.01 ${F3} ${F4} rmean taper bp c 0.01 0.1 n 4 p 2 interpolate delta 1 Can anybody tell what is unit before and after instrument removal. I want it shoul… [more]
Metin Kahraman
2019-10-02 17:12:10 - 2019-10-02 20:38:29
Dear all, I am working on SAC fft function to get spectrum of SAC three component waveforms. I like to write resulted spectrum values to a file, like the first column amplitute values and the second column linlon (linear-logarithmic) values. Is there any way to do this ? Best regards, Metin Kahraman
18:29:23 v.3514fbed