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Active Message Threads for May 2019

Joan A. Parera Portell
2019-05-28 15:45:51
Hello all, I'm trying to compile a fortran77 program (getsnr.f) which includes some SAC routines:       PROGRAM getsnr C       INTEGER   npts, nerr       REAL*4    rftn, beg, del, snr       CHARACTER nom*50 C       CALL getarg (1,nom)       CALL rsac1 (nom,rftn,npts,beg,del,1,nerr)       CALL getfhv ('user0',snr,nerr) C       WRITE (6,*) snr C       END As you can see, the code is straightforward. Its only goal is to get the signal to noise ratio contained in the header of sac fil… [more]
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Jesse-Lee Dimech
2019-05-24 09:58:52 - 2019-05-25 10:11:37
Hi all, I work with SAC files for located events with OMARKER set to 0, and so the KZDATE and KZTIME are the origin time parameters, which I extract and use for data processing. Some of my SAC files have slightly different origin times (located using different numbers of stations), and I want to fix this so it's consistent across all the sac files for a particular event. And so that OMARKER is 0 and KZDATE and KZTIME reflects the absolute origin time. Any ideas on how to do this?
Leticia Duca
2019-05-21 16:26:00 - 2019-05-21 22:57:37
Dear, I have downloaded data from many events. I need to rotate and remove instrument response of all of them. I am using sac. 1) Some of the events have the components called BH1 and BH2 (or BH2 and BH3) instead of BHE and BHN. To rotate, I need to know which one is BHE and which one BHN. For that, I watched the header information looking for CMPAZ=90 - CMPINC=90 for East component BHE, and CMPAZ=0 - CMPINC=90 for North component BHN. The problem was that in some cases the numbers of the CM… [more]
riddhi dave
2019-05-13 15:00:01 - 2019-05-15 15:05:43
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Riddhi Dave <> Date: Mon, May 13, 2019 at 1:00 PM Subject: Re: [IRIS][sac-help] Instrument response files To: Milton Percy Plasencia Linares <> That would definitely work. I am just wondering what is this error about, since I never faced this issue on a different compiler (ifortran), and now I'm running the same script with same data on gfortran and with this error. Best, On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 12:53 PM M… [more]
riddhi dave
2019-05-13 12:09:31 - 2019-05-13 18:52:57
Hello, *I am having trouble using the TRANSFER function with the TBSE Network. I am attaching the .SAC and polezeros file for station GOMA and a reference station KIBA here if anyone would like to check this issue out. * *For example, when I run the following commands, **SAC> r **1994.* SAC> rmean SAC> taper *SAC> TRANSFER FROM POLEZERO S **SAC_PZs_XD_GOMA_BHZ__1994. to POLEZERO S **SAC_PZs_XD_KIBA_BHZ__1994.152.13.… [more]
riddhi dave
2019-05-13 15:00:12
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Riddhi Dave <> Date: Mon, May 13, 2019 at 1:03 PM Subject: Re: [IRIS][sac-help] Instrument response files To: Robert Herrmann <> Which is true what you are saying in this case. However, even when I use a different station with a different instrument response, I'm getting the same error. Again, this error is appearing in gfortran compiler. However, I never ran into this error on my previous compiler (i… [more]
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Sukran Perk
2019-05-07 09:14:07 - 2019-05-10 10:58:38
Hi, I did as follows but ı couldn't install sac in Ubuntu. please help me. Firstly, I put sac files into /home/deprem/soft/sac Secondly, I modified my into this following lines ( because the README instructions say: the sacinit file is modified according to that) export SACHOME=/home/deprem/soft/sac export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux Then, I modified my .bashrc file and added the following lines export SACHOME=/home/deprem/soft/sac sou… [more]
Joseph Maritinkole
2019-05-03 11:39:54 - 2019-05-04 12:11:47
Good day! I have a problem with installing sac, I have already expanded the sac-101.6a-linux_x86_64.tar.gz file. I managed to create sac directory. Now I have a problem with setting up the environmental variables. I tried to follow the instructions in the readme but i do not get. Kindly assist. Thank you Joseph -- *Joseph Maritinkole* *Geophysicist (Seismology)* *Botswana Geoscience Institute* *Private Bag 14,Lobatse, Botswana* *Khama 1 Avenue, 1734* *M: +267 77 576 123 T: +267 5 33… [more]
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