SAC Help

A forum for SAC users to exchange ideas and ask questions about SAC usage, installation, portability, etc.

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Active Message Threads for February 2022

2022-02-26 22:39:52 - 2022-02-28 19:44:04
Hello, I'm a student preparing for a doctorate in South Korea. Thanks to the IRIS team, I have been using SAC well for a long time. However, it is inconvenient to see many waveforms at once recently because the plot size is too small. I looked up the manual and other materials, but I couldn't find a solution. Therefore, I ask for your help. Could I adjust the default plot size? Thank you in advance. Taehyeon Jeon
Cliff Thurber
2022-02-28 15:28:05 - 2022-02-28 19:29:48
Perhaps this is a known problem. I am using an older version of SAC SEISMIC ANALYSIS CODE [11/11/2013 (Version 101.6a)] on an Intel Mac running Catalina. I am trying to use OHPF for the first time in a long time. I start it up, ohpf hpf.1 make some number of picks (I have tried between 1 and 10 picks I think), and then close it and find no picks in the file: SAC> chpf SAC> cat hpf.1 10 Is the only solution to get an up to date version of SAC? Or is there a fix? Thanks. … [more]
Ali Solihat
2022-02-27 10:40:37 - 2022-02-28 08:41:26
Hi brothers, I have acceleration data from Guralp accelerometer, I converted the data to miniseed and now I can view the data via sac my question how to calculate the PGA of that data and have it as number. Best Regards, Ali Solihat Senior System Engineer Jordan Seismological Observatory Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Mobile Number:+ 962 799 741 646
  • Re: PGA - Sheila Peacock - 2022-02-28 08:41:26
Guilherme de Melo
2022-02-13 15:23:31 - 2022-02-14 10:18:40
Dears, I am applying the maximum wave amplitude for a specific time window, using the values informed in ymax and ymin in header of the data. So, I would like to know how much accurate is the value informed in "sh" header command? I mean, how much percent can I consider an error of measurement? Best, Guilherme de Melo
2022-02-02 05:15:54 - 2022-02-07 15:13:46
Dear SAC Help platforms This is Satoshi Kusumoto, JAMSTEC postdoctoral researcher. Now I try to install "sac_v101.6a".Pardon my ignorance, how can I install sac_v101.6a from sac_v102.0 source code? If possible, could you please provide source code of sac_v101.6a? I would appreciate it if you could tell me about that. Kind regards Satoshi Kusumoto ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Adam Clark <> Date: 2022年2月2日(水) 2:31 Subject: Re: Contact Us To: 楠本聡 <kusumot… [more]
Steven Jaume
2022-02-03 20:21:02 - 2022-02-07 15:07:00
I am in line to upgrade my desktop computer (I use a Mac) and am being offered an iMac with the new Apple M1 chips installed. I download seismic data from the DMC and use SAC fairly regularly. Has anyone run into any problems with a new Mac with the new chips?
Deshone L Marshall (dlmrshll)
2022-02-01 18:08:35 - 2022-02-02 15:41:21
Good afternoon, I am trying to run sac on a MacBook Pro that is running MacOS X Monterey (12.0.1) with a M1 processor. I am using sac version 102.0. I am getting the following error message when I run sac: bad CPU type in executable: sac. Is there a way to get sac to run on Apple's M1 processor? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you advanced for your time and efforts in assisting us with this. Sincerely, Deshone
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