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Active Message Threads for January 2018

Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to session “ Exploring Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation along Complex Fault Systems" at the SSA Seismology of the Americas Meeting, taking place 14–17 May, 2018, in Miami, Florida. As reminder the abstracts are due today, Wednesday January 24th at 5 p.m PST. Exploring Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation along Complex Fault Systems Investigations related to how complexities in fault parameters could potentially im… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We cordially invite you to submit abstracts to this year's *Seismological Society of America/Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission Meeting in Miami (14-17 May)* session on advances in fine scale imaging and temporal monitoring via passive means. *The abstract deadline is January 24th, 5pm (Pacific), and the abstract link can be found here: <>.* Retri… [more]
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SSA Abstracts are due on January 24: We encourage submissions for the Technical Session: Structure and Geodynamics of the Caribbean Plate Boundaries The Caribbean plate (CAR) is unusual for a number of reasons. The region’s history includes numerous destructive large magnitude earthquakes and tsunamis. An intermediate sized plate (3.3x106 km2), CAR is surrounded on its north, east and south by the much larger American plates, but since much of CAR is a large igneous province (LIP), its buoy… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to session "Present-day Plate Boundary Deformation and Seismic Hazard in the Caribbean” at the Seismology of the Americas meeting (joint SSA / LACSC meeting, 14-17 May 2018, Miami). The session aims at bringing together geoscientists with an interest in (and results on) seismic hazard characterization and active plate boundary deformation in the Caribbean through seismology, paleoseismology, geodesy, tectonics, geodynamics or any other re… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our session "3D/4D Seismic Imaging and Their Interpretation for Seismic Hazard Assessment" at the 2018 SSA/LACSC meeting in Miami, Florida, on May 14-17, 2018. In this session, we invite theoretical and methodological novel approaches of seismic imaging and monitoring, as well as their applications for seismic hazard assessment. The detailed session description is attached below. Please go to the SSA webpage (… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting your work to the following session in SSA 2018<>. Note the deadline for abstract submission is Jan 24th, 2018. You can submit your abstract here<>. Session Title: Applications of Machine Learning and Data Science in Seismology The increase in computational capability in the past decade has made it possible to introduce and apply novel machine learning/data sc… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session on Structure and Dynamics of Earth’s Mantle at the SSA-LACSC conference, May 14-17 in Miami, Florida, USA. You can access the conference website at: <> & the technical session descriptions at: <> Note the deadline for abstract submission is Jan 24th, 2018. You can submit your abstract here <https… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to the SSA 2018 Annual Meeting in the following Special Sessions. The abstract deadline is 24 January 2018. Observed Characteristics of Induced Seismicity: From Laboratory to Field Scale A wide variety of methods have been employed to examine the physical mechanisms and site-specific conditions that control anthropogenically induced seismicity. Laboratory experiments and mesoscale experiments of fluid injection into active faults inves… [more]
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The Recent Earthquakes that Shocked Mexico in September 2017 Last September, Mexico experienced two large earthquakes that seriously affected the south and central parts of the country. Both earthquakes were intraslab normal-faulting ruptures within the oceanic Cocos plate. The first one (Mw=8.1) occurred on September 8 in the Tehuantepec Gulf, collapsing thousands of small to medium size buildings in several provinces around the epicentral area. Numerous aftershock sequences (or triggered s… [more]
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Xyoli PC
2018-01-17 14:58:34
Dear colleagues, We invite you to participate in the session "Regional seismic network approaches and stakeholder collaborations" in the meeting Seismology of the Americas, SSA y LACSC ( Deadline for abstract submission is *January 24* ( Xyoli, Sergio, Víctor, Paul, Alexandros, Michael Regional Seismic Network Approaches and Stakeholder Collaborations Seismic monitoring is a collaborative effort typical… [more]
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Dear colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the session on plate boundary fault segmentation, creep, and coupling at the SSA-LACSC conference, May 14-17 in Miami, Florida, USA. You can access the conference website at: & the technical session descriptions at: Plate Boundary Segmentation & Coupled-to-Creeping Plate and Block Boundary Faults This session aims to begin characterizing the range of fault behaviors on p… [more]
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This session is an excellent way to showcase the unique contributions of your favorite network or earthquake center. The content and participants will form a foundation for follow-on discussions of opportunities and needs. *Remember that SSA allows multiple abstract submissions.* *Conveners* Michael West *Alaska Earthquake Center, Univ. Alaska Fairbanks* Sergio Barrientos *Chilean National Seismic Network, Univ. Chile* Paul Bodin *Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, U… [more]
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*Session on Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) at the Joint Meeting of SSA & LACSC, 14–17 MAY 2018 - MIAMI* Dear colleagues, We would like to invite you to present your related presentations or posters in our session ( on “ Challenges and Chances for the Widespread Implementation of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW)”, see our proposal, below. Hope to see you in Miami! Session Conveners Wilfried Strauch, Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales, wil… [more]
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Andrew Michael
2018-01-12 19:04:31
Hundreds of forecast models are currently being tested by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). We will have a special session at the 2018 LACSC/SSA joint meeting in May to consider future improvements in the CSEP tests and ways to expand from earthquake forecasts to forecasts of hazard and risk. We invite abstracts on these ideas, regardless of past involvement with CSEP itself. The full session description is below. Abstract Deadline is January 24, via the m… [more]
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Dear Colleagues/Estimados Colegas, We invite abstract submissions for the Microzonation studies technical session at the Seismology of the Americas  SSA- LACSC Joint Meeting.  This session is entitled: "Microzonation Studies - Site Effects - Caribbean & Latin America". We hope to bring together all scientists from Latin America working on microzonation and share their experience and knowledge on the subject. The meeting will be held in Miami, Florida, 14-17 May, 2018. Submission deadlin… [more]
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Alberto M Lopez Venegas
2018-01-10 19:50:44
Greetings colleagues! I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention the two sessions related to Real-time GNSS for the upcoming SSA/LACSC meeting that will take place in Miami, Florida from May 14-17, 2018. The two sessions are: 1. Real-Time GNSS Applications for Early Warning Systems 2. Real-Time GNSS Network Operations If you are interested mostly on how RT GNSS data is being used for EWS consider submitting an abstract for the first session, or if mostly interes… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to a Special Session at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, taking place 14–17 MAY 2018 in Miami, Florida. Abstract Deadline is 24 January 2018. Science Gateways and Computational Tools for Improving Earthquake Research Science gateways allow research communities to access shared data, software, computing services, instruments, educational materials and other resources. Advances in earthquake science … [more]
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Kenneth Ryan
2018-01-10 00:00:30
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our session on "Exploring Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation along Complex Fault Systems" at the SSA Seismology of the Americas Meeting, taking place 14–17 May, 2018, in Miami, Florida. Exploring Rupture Dynamics and Seismic Wave Propagation along Complex Fault Systems Investigations related to how complexities in fault parameters could potentially impact the behavior of earthquake rupture and affect seismic hazard are area… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the 2018 SSA meeting, in Miami, FL from 14-17 May, 2018: Uncertainty in Ground Motion Estimation. This session is focused towards methods of reducing uncertainty in ground motion estimation with physical properties or processes, and seeks submissions from both the engineering and seismological communities. The submission deadline for abstracts is 24 January 2018 ( <https://seismolo… [more]
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Dear colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to the technical session “Seismic Structure of Convergent Plate Margins” at the Seismology of the Americas SSA-LACSC joint meeting to take place in Miama, FL from May 14-17 ( We hope this session will contribute to our collective understanding of how subduction-related processes are reflected in the seismic character of the convergent margin in which they occur at both regional and local scales. Abstract … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, The SSA abstract submission deadline (01/24) is approaching! We would like to bring to your attention our SSA session “Observations and the Physics Behind Complex Earthquakes”. Please consider submitting an abstract and look forward to seeing you at Miami. Observations and the Physics Behind Complex Earthquakes New observations of large earthquakes are challenging the simple model of a smoothly expanding rupture on a planar fault. Some recent events have involved multiple fau… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to the *Early Warning for Large Earthquake and Tsunamis: Challenges, Case Studies, and Innovations *session planned for the 2018 Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting in Miami, FL from 14-17 May, 2018. The session description is posted below and the *deadline to submit is January 24, 2018*. Apologies for cross-postings! Early Warning for Large Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Challenges, Case Studies and Innovations Earthquake early … [more]
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Tim Parker
2018-01-08 16:55:53
Dear Colleagues, Abstract submission for the 2018 SSA meeting in Miami, Florida (May 14-17) is open, and abstracts will be accepted through 24 January, 2018. We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session on telemetered seismic (geophysical) arrays including cabled and non cabled ocean, national, international, local, energy, hazards and inexpensive mesh net developments. New approaches to networked geophysical stations needed for a proposed Subduction Zone Observato… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to the SSA 2018 Annual Meeting in the following technical session. The abstract deadline is 24 January 2018. Development and Validation of Statistical Models of Small-scale Heterogeneities Realistic small-scale variation of the media (velocity and/or density) and surface topography is important for modeling phases and coda amplitudes of broadband waves from regional seismic (earthquakes or explosions) sources. While the precise strength, lo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Increases in computing power, new advances in instrumentation, and improved analytical methods have yielded novel perspectives on seismoacoustic phenomena. We invite abstracts on the cutting edge of instrumentation, analysis, and interpretation methods as well as critical evaluations of recent advancements. Session description follows. Best, Danny Bowman New Frontiers in Seismic Data Analysis Advances in computing power, novel sensing systems and analytical tech… [more]
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Mario C. Ruiz
2018-01-04 06:23:27
Dear colleagues We invite abstract submissions for the volcano seismology technical session at the Seismology of the Americas SSA- LACSC Joint Meeting. This session is entitled: "Interaction between observations and models in seismo-volcanic studies". We hope this session will be an interesting place for sharing observations of volcanic activity ranging from small monitoring seismic networks to high resolution multi-parametric approaches and modelling efforts. This meeting will be held in … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit Abstracts for the Environmental Seismology session at this year’s joint Seismological Society of America/Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission Meeting in Miami (14-17 May). Please note that the abstract deadline is 24 January, and the abstract link is at Happy New Year, Brad, Kate, and Rick Environmental Seismology: Glaciers, Rivers, Landslides and Beyond Environm… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit an abstract to the SSA 2018 Annual Meeting in the following technical session. The abstract deadline is 24 January 2018. Adaptation of New Technologies and Methods to Drive New Discoveries in Seismology and Geodesy In recent years, advancements in seismology and geodesy have been made possible by innovative adaptation of new methods and technology from other fields. Improved earthquake detection and ground motion characterization have been achieved by… [more]
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