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Active Message Threads for December 2018

Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle: *Towards a 3D Seismic Model for Cascadia: Foundations, Construction and Applications*. Abstracts are accepted until *January 11, 2019*, and can be submitted here: *Session Description* The Cascadia subduction zone represents one of the largest potential hazards for earthquakes in the United States. It is also one of the most s… [more]
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Michael, Andrew
2018-12-21 21:50:41
On behalf of my co-conveners, let me bring the following SSA session on earthquake forecasts, from short-term to PSHA to your attention and from seismological to communication methods. See you in Seattle, Andy Better Earthquake Forecasts Earthquake forecasts have a wide range of applications from short-term guidance during earthquake sequences and swarms to being an ingredient in long-term Probabilistic Seismic Hazards Assessments (PSHA). In this session, we will discuss what makes an earthq… [more]
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Enjoy earthquake monitoring and associated research? Then please consider submitting an SSA abstract to the session... *New Frontiers in Global Seismic Monitoring and Earthquake Research* Driven by the societal expectation for timely, accurate information, the past decade has seen dramatic improvements as a result of increased computational efficiency, seismic data coverage and improved communication technology. While aspects of earthquake research have taken advantage of this evolution, the … [more]
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Laura Peruzza
2018-12-17 21:03:21
Dear Colleagues, dear Fault2SHA members, Abstract submission for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting ( ) in Seattle is open up to 11th January 2019. If you are a FAULT2SHA producer, or a FAULT2SHA user, consider a contribution to our session: Explore the Fault2SHA Paradigms Across the Ponds After the formalization of a Fault2SHA working group inside the European Seismological Commission (2016), some initiatives for presenting new data sets and the lat… [more]
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Calum Chamberlain
2018-12-17 09:10:08
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at SSA 2019 on repeating seismicity: Using Repeating Seismicity to Probe Active Faults Repeating seismicity provides a novel means of monitoring fault zone processes at depths commonly inaccessible. Various forms of repeating seismicity exist, and we invite studies from the broad suite of repeating seismicity including earthquakes, long-period events and low-frequency earthquakes. Recent studies have shown that repe… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Abstract submission for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting ( ) in Seattle is open up to 11th January 2019. Pease consider a contribution to our session: From Drifting to Anchored: Advances in Improving Absolute Hypocenter Location Accuracy for Natural, Induced and Explosion Seismic Events Session Description: Accurate, absolute geographic location of seismic event hypocenters is important for characterizing seismic activity and esti… [more]
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Dear Colleague: Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting next April 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Non-traditional Application of Seismo-acoustics for Non-traditional Monitoring Seismo-acoustic measurements have been shown to be sensitive for detecting, locating and characterizing natural environmental phenomena, animal communications and military activities. Ther… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, abstract submission for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting ( in Seattle is open until 11 January 2019. Please consider participating to our session: "Current and Future Challenges in Engineering Seismology”. Session Description: The impressive ongoing densification of modern high-quality earthquake monitoring networks in most earthquake prone countries means that near-field strong ground motions—which dominate earthquake hazard—are incr… [more]
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A late-breaking session on *the recent M7 **Anchorage** Earthquake *has been added to the 2019 Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting. The 2019 SSA Annual Meeting takes place in Seattle, Washington from 23-26 April 2019. This is SSA's biggest conference yet, so submit an abstract to one of *57 technical sessions <>*. SSA is accepting abstracts until *11 January 2019 at 5 p.m.* Pacific. *Submit your abstract here:* … [more]
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Charlotte Rowe
2018-12-05 06:09:08 - 2018-12-08 06:17:21
Dear volcanophiles: Please consider participating in our special session, The 2018 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i The session description is as follows: The 2018 volcano-seismic activity on Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi manifested in three distinct phases: (1) a magma intrusion along the Lower East Rift Zone, beginning 30 April, resulting in eruptive fissures that eventually produced the highest flow rates ever recorded at Kīlauea; (2) a M6.9 earthquake on 4 May located under the s… [more]
Charlotte Rowe
2018-12-05 05:46:34 - 2018-12-08 06:16:33
Just to flood your in-boxes yet more in today's flurry to solicit abstracts: Please consider contributing to our special session on Ocean Floor Seismology at the SSA 2019 meeting in Seattle. Advances in Ocean Floor Seismology Marine seismology has enjoyed a rapid growth in recent years, as significant advances have been realized in sensors, deployment and data recovery methods. Continued development of these technologies have led to greater capability to pose, and answer, more ques… [more]
Jonathan MacCarthy
2018-12-08 05:22:42
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 2019 in Seattle, Washington. The deadline is January 11th. Large Data Set Seismology: Strategies in Managing, Processing and Sharing Large Geophysical Data Sets As seismology grows increasingly data rich, studies are being designed that use ever larger volumes of available data. The strategies for collecting, processing and sharing these data are evolving accordingly. In cas… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our interdisciplinary volcano seismology, acoustics, and hydroacoustics session: *Observations of Volcanism in the Three Spheres: Land, Air and Sea* Volcanoes are naturally situated at the intersection of the solid Earth with the air and/or sea. As a result, we can probe the volcanic system using a diverse range of observable waves: seismic, infrasonic and hyd… [more]
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Tim Melbourne
2018-12-05 18:47:31
Dear Colleagues, Abstract submissions for the SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington are now open! Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Next Generation Seismic Detection Session Description: A range of new technologies are revolutionizing how we can detect and characterize seismic events. These include the use of new types of sensors to record motion, as well as new algorithms to process the geophysical data that they generate. Real-time processing of geodetic data… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Offshore Subduction Zone Structure and Seismicity Along Pacific Northwest: From the Gorda Plate to the Queen Charlotte Fault The Cascadia subduction zone extends along the Pacific Northwest from Cape Mendocino in the south to northern Vancouver Island in the north. However, convergence continues farther north beneath Haida Gwaii along the Queen Charlo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following 2019 SSA Annual Meeting session (April 23-26, Seattle, Washington). *Causes and Consequences of the Columbia River Flood Basalts* * <>* Flood basalt eruptions represent the largest volcanic events on Earth and the most recent one occurred 16 million years ago. It covered mo… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Abstract submissions for the SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington are now open! Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Next Generation Earthquake Early Warning Systems: Advances, Innovations and Applications Session Description: Recent scientific advances in real-time data processing, source characterization and ground motion prediction shape the future of earthquake early warning (EEW) systems. Machine-learning based techniques take conventional event de… [more]
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2018-12-04 17:56:34
Dear Colleague -- Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Photonic and Non-Inertial Seismology at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Session: Photonic and Non-inertial Seismology Emerging photonic and non-inertial seismic measurements of ground motion that use laser interferometery or a networked array of stationary receivers (e.g., GNSS) instead of a classical “mass-on-a-spring” are expanding our capacity to observe the structure and dyna… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please join us in Seattle, 23–26 April, 2019 for the SSA Annual Meeting and consider participating in the session entitled "*Building, Using, and Validating 3D Geophysical Models*" (description below). Abstracts are due by 11 January, 2019. Please see for additional meeting details. Session description: Geophysical models, such as 3-D geologic and seismic velocity models, are needed in three and sometimes four dimensions for a host of … [more]
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Dear Colleague: Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Seismology BC(d)E: Seismology Before the Current (digital) Era at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 2019 in Seattle, Washington. Seismology BC(d)E: Seismology Before the Current (digital) Era We are in the early stages of the seismological digital era, and high-quality digital recordings of earthquakes are plentiful. But there is still much to learn from the early instrumental era with analog recordings on paper, film… [more]
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