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Active Message Threads for January 2019

Dear Colleagues, Abstract submission for SSA meeting close tomorrow Jan 11 at 5pm Pacific time. Do you use Social Media or other modern means to communicate science to the public? If so, please consider submitting an abstract our session: Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat, Oh My! The Challenges and Successes of Using Social Media to Communicate Science to the Public. Session Description: Social media is becoming a more important component of communicating science and local hazard information … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, abstract submission for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting ( in Seattle is open until tomorrow 11 January 2019 at 5 p.m. Pacific. Please consider participating to our session: "Current and Future Challenges in Engineering Seismology”. Session Description: The impressive ongoing densification of modern high-quality earthquake monitoring networks in most earthquake prone countries means that near-field strong ground motions—which dominate… [more]
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Tim Melbourne
2019-01-10 18:25:55
Dear Colleagues, A reminder that abstract submissions for the SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington close tomorrow, Friday Jan 11 at 5 p.m. Pacific. Please consider submitting an abstract to our session Next Generation Seismic Detection Session Description: A range of new technologies are revolutionizing how we can detect and characterize seismic events. These include the use of new types of sensors to record motion, as well as new algorithms to process the geophysical data that t… [more]
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Chad Trabant
2019-01-09 17:09:15
Dear Colleagues, Have you ever processed large volumes of seismic data that required non-traditional strategies? Have you used HPC or cloud resources or new technologies and frameworks to orchestrate advanced workflows for such processing. If so, please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the upcoming SSA Annual Meeting April 2019 in Seattle, Washington to share your experiences. The abstract deadline is this Friday, January 11th. Large Data Set Seismology: Strategies in Man… [more]
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For those working in seismic monitoring, research, and communication, please consider submitting an abstract to the following SSA session. New Frontiers in Global Seismic Monitoring and Earthquake Research Driven by the societal expectation for timely, accurate information, the past decade has seen dramatic improvements as a result of increased computational efficiency, seismic data coverage and improved communication technology. While aspects of earthquake research have taken advantage of… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following 2019 SSA Annual Meeting session (April 23-26, Seattle, Washington). *Causes and Consequences of the Columbia River Flood Basalts* * <>* Flood basalt eruptions represent the largest volcanic events on Earth and the most recent one occurred 16 million years ago. It covered mos… [more]
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Happy 2019 everyone-- On behalf of my coconveners, Weisen Shen and Christine Powell, I would like to call your attention to a session at April's Seismological Society of America meeting in Seattle. "Central and Eastern North America and Intraplate Regions Worldwide" is meant to be home for all things continental interiors. Intraplate seismicity? Yeah! Crustal and upper mantle imaging? Sure! Geodynamics of cratons? Definitely! Geodesy in slowly deforming regions? Great! If you've got wo… [more]
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Levandowski, Will
2019-01-07 15:48:08
Are you working on tectonics, seismicity, seismic hazard, crustal structure, or subduction processes anywhere between Mexico and Panama? Glad to hear it! Now, please consider submitting an abstract to the 2019 Seismo Society meeting in Seattle for the technical session "The Middle America Subduction Zone". We hope to draw a diverse set of contributions, kick off some great discussions, and hopefully motivate and spark new collaborations. Thanks, Will Levandowski and Jamey Turner
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to our SSA session, “Machine Learning in Seismology.” +. Submission Deadline: 11 January 2019 at 5 p.m. Pacific<x-apple-data-detectors://0>. +. Submission Website: +. Session Title: Machine Learning in Seismology +. Session Description: Recent advances in computer science and data analytics have brought machine-learning (ML) techniques, including deep learning, to the forefront o… [more]
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Tim Parker
2019-01-04 18:56:54
Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! We invite you to submit your abstract on geophysical broadband station research to the SSA technical session: *Exploring Broadband Station Evolution and Standardizing Best Practices of Broadband Borehole Seismology* Vendors are actively building and improving new models of lower noise floor, very broadband seismometers in a variety of form factors. This session will provide an opportunity to present the evolution, developments, techniques and research that… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Considering submitting an abstract to the 2019 SSA meeting in Seattle? Our session “Structural Seismology: From Crust to Core” might the perfect one for your work. More information and abstract submission can be found at and abstract submission is open untl 11th January 2019 at 5pm PST. Structural Seismology: From Crust to Core Seismic imaging of the Earth’s inaccessible interior, spanning from the lower crust to the dee… [more]
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Tim Parker
2019-01-03 22:03:18
Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! We invite you to submit your geophysical dense array research to the technical session: New Approaches to Geophysical Research Using Dense Mixed Sensor and Broadband Seismology Arrays Researchers are deploying complementary geophysical instruments such as high and low gain seismic velocity sensors, accelerometers, infrasound, GNSS, MT in dense and sparse arrays along with broadband seismic sensors. Some of these techniques require longer-term deployments than… [more]
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Zhongwen Zhan
2019-01-03 19:25:48
Dear Colleagues, Please consider submit abstracts to our SSA session on large intraslab earthquakes. ================================= Large Intraslab Earthquakes The physical processes associated with intermediate-depth and deep-focus earthquakes are not well understood. However, understanding these events can provide insights into earthquake mechanics, subduction dynamics, mineral physics and mantle thermal structures. In addition, some intermediate-depth earthquakes can pose significant … [more]
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Natalia Ruppert
2019-01-03 18:36:08
Dear colleagues: Please consider submitting an abstract to this special SSA session: Emerging Science from the EarthScope Transportable Array in Alaska and Western Canada <> The USArray Transportable Array deployment in Alaska and Western Canada was completed in the fall of 2017 with 194 telemetered broadband seismic and infrasound expected to collect data though the summer of 2020. This unprecedented systematic broadba… [more]
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Howdy Colleagues! Fabia and I would like to invite abstracts for a session on building out seismic networks.  We are working on EEW-capable networks, but similar philosophies could be applied to any rapid network expansion.  Full session description is below. Abstract submission for the 2019 SSA Annual Meeting ( is available up to 11th January (one week from Friday!!!) Please join us in Seattle! *Station Build-out for Earthquake Early Warning* … [more]
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Ray Cakir
2019-01-03 06:15:07
Dear Colleagues, We would like to encourage you to consider attending the 2019 SSA meeting in Seattle, WA and submitting your abstract to our session " Problem Unsolved: Knowledge Gaps at the Intersection of Earthquake Engineering Practice and Research". Abstract submission is open until January 11 2019. For information about abstract submissions and the technical program please visit Problem Unsolved: Knowledge Gaps at the Intersection of Ear… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We invite you to submit your cryosphere seismology work the technical session, Environmental Seismology: Glaciers, Rivers, Landslides and Beyond Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting Seattle, WA, USA 23-26 April 2019 The abstract deadline is 11 January. More info can be found at: Happy New Year, Brad, Marine, and Rick Environmental Seismology: Glaciers, Rivers, Landslides and Beyond Environmental seismology i… [more]
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Kathy Davenport
2019-01-02 17:58:52
Dear Colleagues, We would like to encourage you to consider attending the 2019 SSA meeting in Seattle and submitting to our session "*The Science and Hazards of Subduction Zones". * Abstract submission is open until *January 11 2019*. For information about abstract submissions and the technical program please visit *The Science and Hazards of Subduction Zones* Sub… [more]
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