1967 12/10 22:51 UTC 17.39N 73.77E 4km Ms=6.4, Koyna, India
The death toll of this earthquake was about 180. It was named "The Koyna Earthquake" because it occurred near the Koyna dam, and it is one of the mostly extensively studied induced earthquakes.
Since we have very little information about this earthquake in digital form,
we urge scientists and engineers who have studied this earthquake to contribute their materials
for this archive.
Please contact William H. K. Lee at: lee@usgs.gov (office), or whklee@ix.netcom.com (home).
Contributors: Charles R. Hutt, William H. K. Lee.
1. Seismograms of the 1967 Koyna (India) Earthquake:
Selected WWSSN seismograms from this earthquake were scanned as part of the ICSU Scanning Project.
link to compressed tif file directory (.gz format)
2. References:
The Koyna earthquake has been extensively studied by Indian seismologists as well as by several seismologists from other countries. A summary with an extensive bibliography is given in: Gupta, H.K. and Rastogi, B.K. (1976). “Dams and Earthquakes”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 229 pp.; and Gupta, H.K. (1992). “Reservoir Induced Earthquakes”, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 355 pp. Some selected references are given below:
Guha, S. K., Gosavi, P. D., Varma, M. M., Agarwal, B. N. P., Padale, J. G and Marwadi, S. C., (1968). Recent seismic disturbances in the Koyna hydroelectric project, Maharashtra, India, Report, Central Water and Power Research Station, India.
Guha, S. K., Gosavi, P. D., Varma, M. M., Agarwal, B. N. P., Padale, J. G and Marwadi, S. C., (1970). Recent seismic disturbances in the Shivajisagar Lake area of the Koyna hydroelectric project, Maharashtra, India, 2, Rep. CWPRS, 25 pp.
Gupta, H. K., Rastogi, B. K. and Narain, H., (1971). The Koyna earthquake of December 10, 1967: a multiple seismic event, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am, 61, 167-176.
Gupta, H. K., Narain, H., Rastogi, B. K. and Mohan, I., (1969). A study of the Koyna earthquake of December 10, 1967, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am, 59, 1149-1162.
Lee, W. H. K. and Rayleigh, C. B., (1969). Fault plane solution of the Koyna (India) earthquake, Nature, 223, 172-173.
Narain, H. and Gupta, H. K., (1968). The Koyna earthquake, Nature, 217, 1138-1139.
Tandon, A. N. and Chaudhury, H. M., (1968). Koyna earthquake of December, 1967. India Meteorol. Dept. Sci. Rep, 59, 12 pp.
(Last Updated: September 14, 2004)