Files for the Oblique Seismic Experiment (OSE) on ODP Leg 102 Tom Bolmer 5/06/18 This data set has SEGY files for the active Oblique Seismic Experiment (OSE) conducted at Hole 418A on ODP Leg 102. There is a directory of the SEGY file by line shot. There is a directory of plots for each line with the 3 Borehole Seismometer channels plotted and the location of those shots relative to the borehole. There is also a directory of documentation for these data. The Fred Moore was the shooting ship that shot both Explosives and Airguns. These SEGY files have the Azimuth in the special word mentioned in the accompanying OSE_to_SEGY notes file. An extra note is that for the 4 kilometer Airgun circle for the clamping depth of 230 meters below seafloor not all of the original shoot file were preserved. Thus, the file SOBO_depth230_Air_4km_Circle.segy is not complete. This file's plot will not match the one in the Leg102 Appendix PDF in the docs directory. All of the plots included did not have any filtering. These plots will show noise and some bad shots that were removed in the plots in the Leg102 Appendix PDF in the docs directory. SEGY Directory with the SEGY files Plots Directory with plots of the data and a plot of the shot locations in a PDF file Docs Directory of documentation for this data set. And, supporting ASCII lists for each shot.