Data Services Newsletter

Volume 10 : No 1 : March 2008

JWEED 3.1 Released

Use JWEED to obtain event-oriented waveforms

Announcing JWEED version 3.1, available for download from IRIS DMC. You can get to the JWeed installer, movie tutorial, and online manuals through the IRIS Software web page:


JWeed is the Java version of our popular event-related request tool WEED.

Using JWeed a person can obtain event-oriented waveforms from any institution which implements Data Handling Interface (DHI) services. Using WMS mapping tools, a user can find desired earthquakes, locate responding stations, and download waveforms directly to their computer. Waveforms can be viewed on screen and saved to SAC and miniSEED data files.

Screenshot of JWEED 3.1
Figure 1: Screenshot of JWEED 3.1

What’s new in JWEED 3.1?


  • Read Me screen can now be placed in a pop up window for ease of use. The user can flip from screen to screen and still have access to the “read me” notes.
  • “1st time” user tutorial added to opening screen.
  • All screens have been changed to respond to a small screen size properly with a scroll bar appearing as needed. Previous versions would collapse the GUI items ending up with unusable screens.


  • Duplicate event detection with user specified overlaps for the event time and location.
  • You can clear catalog selection

Generate Request

  • New surface wave specification layout
  • Added the ability to erase great circle routes and mid-points from the map.

Bug fixes

  • Virtual Network support was fixed.
  • The newly made summary file would not be selected as default when going to the “Seismogram Servers” screen.
  • SAC output file name used the 1st sample time for the file name, not the 1st sample saved.
  • Bad dates are trapped, i.e. Sept 31
  • The drawing on the map of distances at angles greater than 90 sometimes didn’t work right. Fixed.
  • In the property edit screen, if the user enters a value without hitting carriage-return (<CR>), although it is displayed, the underlying JTable never received it. This was very awkward. A fix was found for this.

by Rob Casey and Chris Laughbon (IRIS Data Management Center)

01:29:52 v.b4412d20