Data Services Newsletter

Volume 10 : No 3 : September 2008

Collaboration with, and new data from, LGIT - France

Data from the temporary networks operated by Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique (LGIT) in Grenoble (SISMOB) is now being managed at the DMC as the secondary archive. These data are one component of the Fosfore Project (Fédération de l’Observation Sismologique Francaise), a collaborative inter-university project aimed to distribute data generated by the French permanent and temporary seismic networks. The primary data portal for these data is located at, and this website includes information about these data that are called SISMOB temporary networks.

At the DMC, SISMOB data are aggregated under the Virtual Network name _SISMOB-FR, meaning you can make requests for all data using this network code, in addition to requesting data from a standard two-character FDSN network code listed. For more information about how the DMC utilizes Virtual Network Codes, refer to, or go directly to the listing of SISMOB-FR data by going to

The first network data arrived in October 2008, named Central Zagros 2001 transect (Zagros01), with map shown using

Network YB
Figure 1: Network map for Central Zagros 2001 transect (YB)

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

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