Data Services Newsletter

Volume 12 : No 3 : Winter 2010

New Data at the DMC

December 2010

On this page:


Network Start Year End Year Name Category Restricted
IE 1971 2500 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory REGIONAL N
MI 2000 2500 Northern Mariana Islands Seismograph Network REGIONAL N
IP 2002 2500 Instituto Superior Tecnico Broadband Seismic Network FDSN N
YG 2005 2007 Carpathian Basins Project Regional Array (CBPRA) SEIS-UK Y
ZL 2005 2006 Sea of Cortez Ocean Bottom Array (SCOOBA) OBSIP N
XZ 1993 1994 Cascadia/SEED reformat (null) Y
Y1 2007 2009 SCANLIPS2 SEIS-UK Y
XB 2009 2013 PICASSO/Passive PASSCAL Y
XU 1999 2000 Trans-Antarctic OTHER N
XJ 2009 2009 L Aquila Aftershock Experiment SISMOB-FR N
AG 2009 2500 Arkansas Seismic Network REGIONAL N
NV 2009 2500 Neptune Canada OTHER Y
XJ 2010 2010 Kilauea/Halemaumau Temp. Deployment PASSCAL Y
X2 2009 2010 Seismic Analysis of the HiKurangi Experiment OTHER Y
TJ 2005 2500 Tajikistan National Seismic Network FDSN N
Y7 2009 2010 Mt.Princeton Geothermal System PASSCAL N
XS 2002 2002 Embayment Seismic Excitation Experiment PASSCAL N
XS 2010 2010 Maule Earthquake (Chile) Aftershock Experiment SISMOB-FR N
XY 2010 2010 Chile RAMP PASSCAL N
Z1 2009 2010 Lau Ridge Passcal P
YH 2010 2011 Africa Array SE Tanzania Basin Experiment OTHER Y
YX 2010 2012 Flexarray 3D Passive Seismic Imaging of Core-Complex Extension in the Ruby Range Nevada PASSCAL P
YJ 2010 2012 Utah Infrasound from Earthquakes PASSCAL P
YN 2008 2008 Reverberation PASSCAL N
ND 2010 2500 New CaleDonia Broadband Seismic Network Regional N
ZI 2010 2010 Bighorns Passive Texan PASSCAL Y
ZH 2010 2010 Bighorns Short Period PASSCAL Y
ZL 2010 2010 Shatsky Rise Active Source Experiment OBSIP OBSIP Y
ZO 2010 2010 Hekla Volcano, Iceland PASSCAL Y

Assembled Data

Report Number Start Year End Year Nickname Name Type Restricted Notes
10-001 2009 2009 Batholiths Active Batholiths Controlled Source PASSCAL Y anticipated release date: 7/31/11
10-002 2004 2004 Brady Desert Peak-Bracy OTHER N (null)
10-003 2004 2005 SOUTHPUGET South Puget Sound high resolution seismic surveys USGS N (null)
10-004 2006 2007 ADVSS_MCMURDO Antarctic Dry Valleys Seismic Surveys PASSCAL N (null)
10-005 2008 2008 USAcross Evaluation of ACROSS-type source for the SAN ANDREAS FAULT PASSCAL Y start date:10/10/08 end date: 2/28/10 Data to be restricted untill 2/16/2012
10-006 2010 2010 LUNAR.A14.SHOTS Apollo 14 segy shots OTHER U (null)
10-007 2001 2002 PASO-DOS Parkfield Area Seismic Observatory-Densification of Staions USGS N 100 sps sac data for XN2001-2002
10-008 2010 2010 SIMA Seismic Imaging of the Moroccan Atlas PASSCAL Y Aug.
10-009 2009 2009 Sinoprobe-2 Sinoprobe 02 PASSCAL Y Estimated release date: 4/29/12
10-010 2010 2010 TANGSHAN Tangshan PASSCAL Y Estimated release date 4/29/12
10-011 2007 2007 MAGNUS-REX Magnus-Rex UCOPENHAGEN N (null)
10-012 2007 2007 Sea Calipso Seismic Experiment Active Caribbean Andesite Lava Island Precision Seismo-geodetic Observatory PASSCAL Y Data available in seed format Y7
10-013 2009 2010 SAHKE Seismic Array hiKurangi Experiment PASSCAL Y Data not arrived at dmc as of Nov. 4 2010
10-014 2010 2010 ObsidianCreep Earthquake Swarms and Aseismic Slip in the Salton Trough PASSCAL Y Start date: 3/15/10 End date: 3/28/10 Estimated release date 3/1/2012
10-015 2010 2010 MINI-VIBE PASSCAL Extraordinary Mini-Vibe Test PASSCAL N Data not arrived at dmc as of Nov. 4, 2010
10-016 2010 2010 Red River Study of the Crustal Structure of Northern Vietnam PASSCAL U (null)
10-017 2010 2010 Bighorns Active BigHorns Active PASSCAL Y (null)
10-018 2004 2001 TTR Tonopah Test Range Surface Wave Study PASSCAL N (null)
10-019 2006 2007 POLELAKE Characterization of Lake Amundsen-Scott, S.Pole: A Ground Geophysical Program PASSCAL U (null)
10-020 2008 2008 East_Potrillo East Potrillo PASSCAL N The data is archived without raw because there were timing issues that were addressed in this data
10-021 2007 2009 TOMO_EREBUS Erebus Tomography and Source Studies PASSCAL U Data not arrived at dmc as of Nov. 4, 2010
10-022 2010 2010 SHATSKY Shatsky Rise OBSIP Y (null)
10-023 2003 2003 San Bernardino 03 San Bernardino Hi Res seismic reflection;refraction survey PASSCAL N (null)
10-024 2006 2006 (null) Chesapeake Crater PASSCAL U (null)

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

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