Data Services Newsletter

Volume 16 : No 2 : Summer 2014

Mike Stults - Java Web Services Engineer

I recently started work at the DMC to support the Geoscience Web Service (GeoWS) building block, an endeavor within EarthCube to use web services to standardize data discovery and sharing across a diverse set of data. I also support WebServiceShell (WSS), the web service that provides the outward facing software for IRIS’s FDSNWS products. We expect WebServiceShell to be a key component in implementing web services for GeoWS.

I worked for about a decade and a half as a processing geophysicist, well site geologist and a tiny bit of research work around detecting noise near geothermal wells using sparse seismic arrays as well as took part in deploying a borehole, waveform capture tool. I did a career switch to software development in the late 80s, and since then have worked on projects and products for seismic plotting, in-memory databases, fingerprint scanning, and distributed processing platforms.

I am very happy to be at IRIS, getting back to a job that mixes geoscientific data and applications with software engineering. I am also glad that bicycling is part of the culture at IRIS DMC and I am able to mix in bicycling as part of my regular commute.

Photo of Mike Stults doing local park maintenance
Mike doing some local park maintenance

by Mike Stults (IRIS Data Management Center)

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