Data Services Newsletter

Volume 18 : No 1 : Spring 2016

Laura Hutchinson Keyson

I began working as a Quality Assurance Technician at the DMC in June 2015. I work with the Quality Assurance team, focusing the majority of my efforts on ensuring that MUSTANG operations run smoothly.

Originally from the Seattle area, I’m glad to be back. I spent time in Bellingham (B.S. Geology, WWU), Spokane, and most recently Fairbanks, AK (M.S. Geophysics, UAF), but quickly whisked myself away from the great north for the opportunity to work at the IRIS DMC.

Like nearly everyone in the region, in my off time I enjoy hiking, bicycling, and photography. But all in a very amateurish way.

Laura Hutchinson Keyson
Laura and Tali in Fairbanks

by Laura Keyson (IRIS Data Management Center)

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