Sue Schoch - Senior Software Engineer
Sue Schoch began working at the IRIS DMC in May 1989 when it was located in Austin, TX. Sue has an Associate’s degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. She is responsible for the care and feeding of the Oracle database as well as programs that process SEED data from data collection centers and programs that process BREQ_FAST requests. Sue wrote the xretrieve program and worked with Debbie Barnes on the first release of SeismiQuery. She is currently working on extracting database data for the FISSURES project.
Sue is married to Paul, a professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. They have six children and are trying to survive the youngest – teenage twins. Sue enjoys painting and any fiber related activity. She currently is kept busy fawning over her first grandchild.
by Sue Schoch (IRIS Data Management Center)