Data Services Newsletter

Volume 3 : No 3 : September 2001

An update on the progress of the POND/FARM data archive

The new FARM system has grown tremendously in its 10 months of operation as a readily-accessible, dynamic archive of event data for the WILBER II Web interface. Already represented in the FARM are over 2,600 events starting at the year 1990 with more than 3.3 million individually indexed waveforms that can be rapidly recalled from the Oracle database.

Currently, the DMC is increasing the number of events represented in the FARM as well as adding more data to each event. We will soon begin scanning years previous to 1990 to produce FARM data going back to 1980 and have already begun the process of cataloging new FARM events to the years 1990 and onward. Also, waveforms from newly contributed data will be continuously added to the FARM in order to keep it complete and up to date.

If you would like a more detailed explanation of the ongoing process of creating FARM products, please contact Rob Casey. Also available are previous DMS Newsletter articles about the new FARM and WILBER II:

by Rob Casey (IRIS Data Management Center)

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