Data Services Newsletter

Volume 4 : No 3 : September 2002

Crediting Network Operators and Data Centers


As the distribution of seismic data becomes simpler and more widespread, the Federation of Digital Broadband Seismographic Networks is developing a mechanism whereby people requesting and receiving data from a given network are periodically reminded of the network from which their data originated. In this manner, proper attribution can be given to the operating networks in scientific articles or reports.

The FDSN is compiling a set of citations that the various networks would like to have referenced whenever data from their network is used. These citations can be entered by network operators at:

FDSN Citation Form

The list of citations can be found at:

FDSN Citations

In the near future. In this manner it will be easy to determine how the data providers wish to be acknowledged when you use their data. Remember without the network and station operators there would be no data and your cooperation is needed to insure the uninterrupted flow of data continues.

The IRIS DMC (as well as other FDSN Data Centers) is in the process of developing a system that will email quarterly reminders to all identified users of data from the IRIS DMC. This email will identify the specific Network Codes for the variety of seismograms that they received from the IRIS DMC during that quarter. It will also provide a link to the pages where the specific citation specified by that network operator can be found. By reminding you quarterly, we hope that we will be making it easier for you to provide the proper network acknowledgement.

Remember attribution is important for everyone that wishes to insure that data from seismic stations remains free and open. Please do your part by attributing the networks whose data you use in your investigations.

by Tim Ahern (IRIS Data Management Center)

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