Listservers to Serve You
In the past year, the DMC has implemented two new listservers for users:
This listserver was created to provide a means for announcing new software products, new software releases, new features, and bug reports. This list is limited to software produced and supported as part of the IRIS Data Management System. For more about how to sign up, view this previous DMS Electronic Newsletter article.
The IRIS DMC has established a listserver at the DMC in order to better communicate to our user community when problems with specific subsets of our waveform holdings are discovered. This list has restricted postings, however anyone can join the list to receive information when postings are made. You can join the list by sending an email to
and in the body of the mail message insert
subscribe data-problemsAdditional information on how to use the IRIS Listserver can be obtained my sending an email to with the following line in the message body
info data-problemsby Rob Casey (IRIS Data Management Center)