Tim Knight - Information Services Coordinator / Webmaster
I joined the IRIS Data Management Center in December, 2004. As Webmaster, my primary focus is on Web content, design and development projects at IRIS. I am responsible for graphic design, SAC software distribution, bulkmail requests and editing the IRIS DMS Newsletter.
Previously, I established the Multimedia Lab, a Scientific Core Resource of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington. Prior to focusing on brain research, I worked in genetics and molecular biology at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and The Swedish Hospital Medical Center.
As a scientist at the Hutch, I setup and managed three new shared resources: Image Analysis, Computer Graphics, and Scientific Imaging Lab. The labs provided scientists with advanced digital microscopes, imaging and graphics systems to facilitate data collection, analysis and publication. At Swedish Hospital, I photographed, counted and analyzed human chromosomes to detect genetic abnormalities, as a clinical cytogenetics technologist.
In order to share new lab techniques and data, I began developing research and educational Web sites focusing on genetics and biology, in 1994.
In my spare time, I enjoy photography, travel, hiking, reading and playing baseball with my two children, Madelaine and Henry.
by Tim Knight (IRIS Data Management Center)