Software Downloads – PQLX v. 2011.365.P4 – Revision history

v2011.365.P4 ..** (2017-11-13)

  • Modifications
    1. installation verifies that python environment is python2 before proceeding with compilation.
    2. updates libmseed library to version 2.19.5
    3. updates tdb library to version 1.3.15
    4. removes compiler warnings, except for deprecated functions (that still work)

v2011.365.P1 ..** (2013-10-23)

  • Enhancements Two enhancements to the server program ‘pqlxSrvr’ are included with this release and
    are detailed as:
    1. File scanning of mini-SEED files has been made more efficient, resulting in the directory scanning task of the server program finishing much quicker.
    2. EventQ processing has been enhanced to guarantee, when possible, that no two event processors are processing data of the same channel at the same time.
  • Major Bug Fixes
    1. – Check for existence of PQLXprodVars before proceeding
    2. pqlxSrvr – Better message on missing env variable PQLXTRASH
    3. pqlxSrvr – Updated faulty DB upgrade message on failure
    4. pqlxSrvr – Server now verifies that pqlxDBMaint program has completed (i.e., it is not running) before proceeding. If pqlxDBMaint is running, server will pause until it has completed.
    5. pqlxSrvr – Do not allow trace files having a start time before 1970 to be input to the database
    6. pqlx: Controls Panel: Bug Reports Side-Bar Button – Added a hyperlink to automatically open PQLX Bugzilla web-site in a browser window
    7. pqlx: Filter Management
    8. pqlx: STN: Particle Motion – Channel data is now pre-scaled when the gain differs between the two channels to make all values one-to-one comparable
    9. pqlx: STN: Y-Axis Scales Functionality – Added a new tab to the Y-Axis scales dialog, HELP, describing procedure and usage
    10. pqlxDBMaint – Confirm integrity of GLAP table contents
    11. Database Connections – Gracefully handle dropped and/or lost MySQL connections. Lost connections are now recognized, internally handled, and automatically recovered.
    12. Default DB Definition – Add channel group SN* to PSD configuration defaults
    13. Database – Modify GLAP.startPt, GLAP.endPt, and TRC.nsamps column definitions to handle channels having high sample rate
    14. pqlx: PSD – Potential crash on certain platforms when attempting a PSD:Detail sub-select
    15. pqlx: PSD – Possible crash when cycling through large list of PDF’s
    16. pqlx: PSD: Detail – Crash on PSD Hour sub-select
    17. pqlx: PSD: Request – Transferring Request PDF to Detail tab could result in wrong channel of data being referenced in Detail screen
    18. pqlxPNG – Crash when providing PDF data using —inputPDF option
  • Minor Bug Fixes
    1. env/makeAll – Bug fix on setting default Fortran compiler
    2. makefiles – Various makefiles throughout the system updated to work successfully on newer LINUX releases
    3. pqlxSrvr – Crash on system PDF calculation when many many PSDs are to be processed
    4. pqlxSrvr – Default temporary table size up-ed to 32Mb from 16Mb; otherwise, channels with many many PSD’s do not end up having system PDF being generated
    5. pqlxSrvr – Handle 1000sps data when computing end time of trace – where (1000/1000000. = .00100000005) instead of .000999999 as it should be
    6. pqlx: About Dialog – Fixed crash on MAC platform when invoking dialog
    7. pqlx – Do not call gdk_beep() from within a separate thread, could result in crash
    8. pqlx – Would not connect to a DB if it contained only one trace for each of all its channels
    9. pqlx: PQL : Filter Mgmt Dialog – Bug fix when no user defaults file yet exists
    10. pqlx: PQL – Address crash when displaying channel meta-info on channel label mouse-hover
    11. pqlx: PSD: Detail – Side bars would not display properly the first time when coming from STN due to an update in GTK+
    12. pqlx: PSD – Possible crash on spectro list navigation when NULL is (validly) returned for channel name
    13. pqlx: STN – Address crash when cycling through display lists of data
    14. pqlx: STN – Bug fix on side-bar color modification via controls panel
    15. pqlx: STN – Crash on selecting label (or data selection) for station having no channels on display
    16. pqlx: STN – Applying a filter after data had been taken to Analysis did not display transform of all data points
    17. pqlx: STN – Bug fix when selecting data around stations having no channel data on display (due to Channel Filter being applied)
    18. pqlx: STN: Analysis – Transform description string was not being reset when taking
  • new traces into Analysis
    1. pqlx: STN: Analysis – Bug fix on first apply of transform to sub-set of data on display
    2. pqlx: STN: Analysis – Bug fix on returning selected trace to Original status
    3. pqlx: STN: Analysis: Deconvolve – Failed when being applied to more than one trace
    4. pqlx: STN: Analysis – Crash when taking new traces to ANA tab, after one or more traces on ANA tab had been selected
    5. pqlx: STN: Analysis – Bug fix when aligning on phase (X-Axis), and traces do not start at the same time
    6. pqlx: STN: Analysis: Particle Motion
    7. pqlx-admin – PNG settings now properly saved/retained on DB Create request
    8. pqlx-admin – Editing data directories – action not applied to proper row
    9. pqlx-admin – Closing servers dialog using WM ‘X’ would result in dialog not being able to opened a 2nd time
    10. pqlx-admin: Exec/Logs – Bug fix on refresh of EVENTQ list display
    11. pqlxPNG – Handles the case when, for the —inputPDF option, the required header row is missing. This can happen when piping the output from the PQLX extract scripts and failing to specify the —PNG option
    12. – Bug fix when trying to add new directory when name is a longer version of already existing directory

v2011.365 ..** (2012-08-09)

  • Intended as the final public release version
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