The IRIS Synthetics Engine (Syngine) is a webservice that quickly returns synthetic seismograms custom requested by the user. The IRIS DMC stores precalculated TB scale databases of Green’s Functions for several different 1D reference models. This page provides information the 1D reference models supported by Syngine.
The IRIS DMC stores precalculated TB scale databases of Green’s Functions for several different 1D reference models listed below. The Syngine model text files are the input files used by AxiSEM to generate the Green’s function databases used by Instaseis in Syngine.
Syngine model | EMC-hosted reference model |
Anelastic | Anisotropic | Radius units | Columns |
ak135f | ak135f | ✔ | χ | meter | radius, rho, vpv, vsv, qka, qmu |
iasp91 | iasp91 | ✔ | χ | meter | radius, rho, vpv, vsv, qka, qmu |
prem_crust20_ocean | PREM | ✔ | ✔ | meter | radius, rho, vpv, vsv, qka, qmu, vph, vsh, eta |
prem_ani | PREM | ✔ | ✔ | meter | radius, rho, vpv, vsv, qka, qmu, vph, vsh, eta |
prem_iso | PREM | ✔ | χ | meter | radius, rho, vpv, vsv, qka, qmu, vph, vsh, eta |
Key to parameters
radius | Earth radius (m) |
rho | Density (kg/m^3) |
vpv | vertical P-wave Velocity (km/s) |
vsv | vertical S-wave velocity (km/s) |
qka | compressional Q |
qmu | shear Q |
vph | horizontal P-wave Velocity (km/s) |
vsh | horizontal S-wave velocity (km/s) |
eta | transversely isotropic model parameter |
Citations and DOIs
To cite IRIS DMC Data Products effort:
- Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern, and R. Aster (2012), Data Products at the IRIS DMC: Stepping Stones for Research and Other Applications, Seismological Research Letters, 83(5), 846–854,
To cite the source of these Earth model:
- Nissen-Meyer, T., van Driel, M., Stähler, S. C., Hosseini, K., Hempel, S., Auer, L., Colombi, A., and Fournier, A.: AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media, Solid Earth, 5, 425-445,, 2014.
- van Driel, M., Krischer, L., Stähler, S. C., Hosseini, K., and Nissen-Meyer, T.: Instaseis: instant global seismograms based on a broadband waveform database, Solid Earth, 6, 701-717,, 2015.
To reference the use of this Earth model hosted by EMC:
- IRIS DMC (2015), Data Services Products: IRIS Syngine supported 1-D Earth models,
To cite IRIS Earth Model Collaboration (EMC) data product or reference use of its repository:
- IRIS DMC (2011), Data Services Products: EMC, A repository of Earth models,
- Tarje Nissen-Meyer (University of Oxford)
- Martin van Driel (ETH Zürich)
- Lion Krischer (Munich University)
- Simon Stähler (Munich University)
- Kasra Hosseini (Munich University)
- 2015-12-09
- released