Data Services Products: Funded Products

The following products have been funded by NSF SAGE. Click the table column headings to sort the table.

Title & Description Year Funded
a nested, global emperical green's tensor database

A Nested, Global Emperical Green's Tensor Database

Construction of a nested, global emperical Green’s tensor database.

Responsible: Yang Shen and Haiying Gao
University of Rhode Island

a uniform and comprehensive shear-wave splitting data set for north america

A Uniform and Comprehensive Shear-wave Splitting Data Set for North America

A uniform and comprehensive shear-wave splitting dataset for North America: Western and Central United States.

Responsible: Kelly Liu and Stephen Gao
Missouri University of Science and Technology

earthquake surface wave phase velocity automated measuring system

Earthquake Surface Wave Phase Velocity Automated Measuring System

A system to automatically measure surface-wave phase velocity. Results will be a) up-to-date Rayleigh and Love phase velocity tomograms of the US and b) Amplitude, phase velocity and propagation direction of tomograms of each event.

Responsible: James Gaherty and Ge Jin
LDEO of Columbia University

earthquake rupture energy and duration tools

Earthquake Rupture Energy and Duration Tools

Automated solutions of the per-station and cumulative energy release for global earthquakes with initial magnitude above Mw 6.5 as well as estimates of rupture duration.

Responsible: Andrew Newman and Jaime Convers
Georgia Institute of Technology

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release of emerald 1.0

Release of EMERALD 1.0

EMERALD is a complete open-source software server-based system for requesting and processing large sets of event based seismic data from a web browser. Data sets containing millions of seismic waveforms can easily be managed, reviewed, and processed. The system can automatically check for metadata updates, and alert the user to metadata changes.

Responsible: Matthew Fouch and John West
Carnegie Institution of Washington & Arizona State University

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xml format for magnetotelluric transfer functions

XML Format for Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions

Definition of a new XML format for electromagnetic transfer functions and related software for converting to and from the EDI format. This newly defined format was integrated with the DMC’s SPUD system as the native format for the USArray magnetotelluric data product.

Responsible: Gary Egbert, Adam Schultz and Anna Kelbert
Oregon State University

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western us ambient noise cross-correlations

Western US Ambient Noise Cross-Correlations

An ambient noise cross-correlation based database of empirical Green’s functions (EGFs) of the Western US using USArray Transportable Array (TA) data.

Responsible: Michael Ritzwoller
University of Colorado Boulder

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seissound: sonification of seismic signals

SeisSound: sonification of seismic signals

The SeisSound Visualization is an audio/video-based IRIS DMS data product that illustrates the frequency and amplitude content of seismograms. Conveying the seismograms frequency content both visually and audibly produces a better understanding of their spectral content.

Responsible: Deborah Kilb
University of California San Diego

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