Data Services Products: MEQL Microseism Energy Quick Look (MEQL)


The microseism energy quick look (MEQL) data product highlights cases in which microseism energy variations are expected due to changes in meteorological conditions or other phenomena. These highlights focus on fixed time windows and utilize data from a few stations to serve as a starting point for further research on observed microseism variations.


For this product, the IRIS DMC’s Noise Toolkit is used to compute microseism energy (ME) at different period bands for selected stations over fixed time windows. The ME values are calculated by integrating power spectral densities (PSD) over period bands of 1s to 5s, 5s to 10s & 11s to 30s that correspond to the local microseism (LM), secondary microseism (SM) and the primary microseism (PM) bands respectively. The resulting microseismic power values are smoothed using a moving 6 hour median window. The results are presented as plots of power time histories.

The following table contains links to the MEQL highlights that have been created. To visit a highlight page click on the Title link.

Year Title Stations Description
2015 underwater Axial volcano eruption OO.AXBA1, OO.HYS14 secondary microseism energy variation and hydroacoustic pressure changes at two of the OO – Ocean Observatories Initiative (OBS) network stations deployed near Axial volcano
2015 super typhoon Maysak IU.GUMO, IU.DAV, RM.SZP, TW.YULB microseism energy variations due to super typhoon Maysak
2012-2015 OBS microseisms 7D.J39A, 7D.J43A, 7D.J48B, 7D.J27B, 7D.J32C, 7D.J43C, OO.AXBA1, OO. HYS14 a highlight of ocean-bottom seismic and hydroacoustic data at the secondary microseism band of 0.1-0.35 Hz
2014 super typhoon Vongfong IU.GUMO, IU.TATO, IU.MAJO, II.ER microseism energy variations due to super typhoon Vongfong
2013 typhoon Haiyan IU.CTAO, IU.GUMO, IU.DAV, IU.MBWA, RM.SZP, TW.YULB microseism energy variations due to typhoon Haiyan
2012 hurricane Sandy CU.GTBY, CU.GRTK, CU.BCIP, CU.MTDJ, IU.HRV, IU.BBSR microseism energy variations due to hurricane Sandy
2012 hurricane Issac CU.ANWB, CU.SDDR, CU.GTBY, IU.DWPF, IU.HKT, IU.WVT, II.SACV microseism energy variations due to hurricane Issac

Citations and DOIs

  • Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern and R. Aster (2012), Data products at the IRIS DMC: stepping-stones for research and other application, Seismological Research Letters, 83(6), 846:854.* IRIS DMC Data Products Team


  • IRIS DMC Data Products Team





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