Coordinate variable data and header information for model
netcdf CONUS-MT-2019.r0.0 {
longitude = 650 ;
latitude = 278 ;
depth = 111 ;
float longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:long_name = "Longitude; positive east" ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
float latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:long_name = "Latitude; positive north" ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
float depth(depth) ;
depth:long_name = "depth below earth surface" ;
depth:units = "km" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
float log_10sigma(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
log_10sigma:long_name = "electrical conductivity" ;
log_10sigma:display_name = "log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m" ;
log_10sigma:units = "S/m" ;
log_10sigma:missing_value = 99999.f ;
log_10sigma:_FillValue = 99999.f ;
// global attributes:
:title = "High resolution electrical conductivity variations in the Earth\'s crust and mantle of contiguous United States \n",
" based on magnetotellurics and ground magnetic observatory data." ;
:id = "CONUS-MT-2019" ;
:data_revision = "r0.0" ;
:summary = "To compile the global and regional electrical conductivity\n",
"models (see References) into a common framework for contiguous\n",
"United States, which we call CONUS, we created\n",
"a 3D laterally uniform 0.1° × 0.1° numerical grid. The\n",
"grid includes the contiguous United States, and extends\n",
"650 cells in longitude between −130° and −65°, and 280\n",
"cells in latitude between 23° and 51°. Vertically, we started\n",
"with a 0.1 km top layer, and increased the cell size via a\n",
"recursive geometric relation with a common ratio of\n",
"1.065 until 100 km depth was reached, resulting in 67\n",
"vertical layers in the top ∼ 100 km of the grid. Starting at\n",
"103.0564 km depth, we extended the grid farther down\n",
"to ∼ 410 km depth, the top of the mantle transition zone,\n",
"now starting with a 6.2 km layer and using the same\n",
"common ratio. This resulted in a total of 90 vertical\n",
"layers. Finally, we extended the grid from 413.6655 km\n",
"depth all the way down to 1277 km, using a starting layer\n",
"of 28 km and the common ratio of 1.07, resulting in a\n",
"total of 107 Earth layers. We completed the vertical setup\n",
"by padding the model with four more layers using the\n",
"common ratio of 1.5, which resulted in the bottom\n",
"boundary of the model at a 2284.6 km depth. This is done\n",
"for numerical reasons, so that any inaccuracy in the\n",
"boundary conditions has minimal effect on the modeling\n",
"results. Similarly, we also padded the grid laterally by six\n",
"cells in the North–South directions and seven cells in the\n",
"East–West directions, to account for the oceans which\n",
"increase heterogeneity of the model, resulting in a\n",
"292 × 664 × 111 numerical grid.\n",
"For background electrical conductivity in the top\n",
"100 km of the Earth’s lithosphere, we used the Alekseev\n",
"et al. (2015) global compilation, modified in the following\n",
"ways. First, we reduced the background continental resistivity\n",
"from 5000 Ωm (2 × 10−4 S/m) to 100 Ωm (10−2 S/m),\n",
"which is more realistic for average lower crust and\n",
"uppermost mantle in the contiguous United States. This\n",
"includes any regions of young oceanic crust, which were\n",
"left at 100 Ωm background value. We also incorporated\n",
"the high‐resolution sediment thickness map of Laske and\n",
"Masters (1997), setting the sediments to a default value\n",
"of just over 33 Ωm (3 × 10−2 S/m). Then, this modified\n",
"model was interpolated to our 0.1° × 0.1° numerical grid\n",
"with 67 vertical layers in the top 100 km. For background\n",
"below 100 km depth, the global conductivity model\n",
"(Sun et al., 2015) was used.\n",
"We then proceeded to include MT inverse models, as described\n",
"in the References, particularly, Kelbert et al. (2019).\n",
"These models were, first of all, georeferenced from the\n",
"various Cartesian coordinate projections in which the\n",
"magnetotelluric inversions have been performed. These\n",
"selected inverse models and their projection details are\n",
"further described in Kelbert et al. (2019).\n",
"These inverse models were then interpolated to the\n",
"0.1° × 0.1° computational grid using the nearest neighbor\n",
"interpolation, laterally truncated to data locations, and\n",
"incorporated into the 3D electrical conductivity\n",
"background in the following order: ENAM, APPL, NEUS,\n",
"MCR, SEUS in the central and eastern United States,\n",
"followed by GP, then WUS and SRPY in the western\n",
"United States. The truncations were defined based on the\n",
"scale of the model; specifically, models of larger spatial\n",
"scales and lower resolution (ENAM and MCR) were\n",
"truncated to include structure to within 140 km from a\n",
"site, equivalent to two times the nominal station spacing\n",
"of USArray, and WUS was truncated to 105 km (1.5 time\n",
"station spacing). Other 3D models focused on smaller\n",
"regions (GP, YSRP, APPL, NEUS, and SEUS) were\n",
"truncated to within 70 km from a site, which is equivalent\n",
"to the nominal station spacing. In the present treatment,\n",
"no smoothing was applied to model boundaries, to merge\n",
"the models in places of overlap, other than truncation of\n",
"all models at a fixed distance from their respective site\n",
"locations. Thus, the fact that model boundaries generally\n",
"do not appear as sharp discontinuities speaks to the consistency\n",
"of these models.\n",
"In places where models overlap, preferential treatment\n",
"is given those models that provide better resolution in\n",
"the relevant area of the grid (e.g., in the near‐surface)\n",
"because of magnetotelluric inversion configurations\n",
"that support higher sensitivity in that area (e.g., shorter\n",
"periods included in the data set)." ;
:keywords = "global, regional, continental-scale, electromagnetic, magnetotelluric, electrical conductivity" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
:author_name = "Anna Kelbert" ;
:author_url = "" ;
:author_email = "" ;
:institution = "U.S. Geological Survey" ;
:repository_name = "EMC" ;
:repository_institution = "IRIS EMC" ;
:repository_pid = "doi:10.17611/dp/emc.2019.conusmt.1" ;
:acknowledgment = "Model was provided by the author, Dr Anna Kelbert, \n",
"U.S. Geological Survey, Geomagnetism Program, Golden, CO" ;
:references = "Kelbert, A., Bedrosian, P.A. and Murphy, B.S., 2019. The first 3D conductivity model of the contiguous United States: reflections on geologic structure and application to induction hazards. Geomagnetically Induced Currents from the Sun to the Power Grid, pp.127-151.\n",
"Meqbel, N.M., Egbert, G.D., Wannamaker, P.E., Kelbert, A. and Schultz, A., 2014. Deep electrical resistivity structure of the northwestern US derived from 3-D inversion of USArray magnetotelluric data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 402, pp.290-304.\n",
"Bedrosian, P.A., 2016. Making it and breaking it in the Midwest: Continental assembly and rifting from modeling of EarthScope magnetotelluric data. Precambrian Research, 278, pp.337-361.\n",
"Kelbert, A., Egbert, G.D. and deGroot-Hedlin, C., 2012. Crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity beneath the Yellowstone Hotspot Track. Geology, 40(5), pp.447-450.\n",
"Murphy, B.S. and Egbert, G.D., 2017. Electrical conductivity structure of southeastern North America: Implications for lithospheric architecture and Appalachian topographic rejuvenation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 462, pp.66-75.\n",
"Kelbert, A., Egbert, G.D. and deGroot-Hedlin, C., 2012. Crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity beneath the Yellowstone Hotspot Track. Geology, 40(5), pp.447-450.\n",
"Sun, J., Kelbert, A. and Egbert, G.D., 2015. Ionospheric current source modeling and global geomagnetic induction using ground geomagnetic observatory data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(10), pp.6771-6796." ;
:history = "2018-08-08" ;
:comment = "Created from the preferred global model of Sun et al (2015), GlobalEM-2015-02x02,\n",
"combined with multiple regional MT models in the U.S. (see references)." ;
:geospatial_lat_min = " 23.1" ;
:geospatial_lat_max = " 50.9" ;
:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
:geospatial_lat_resolution = "0.10" ;
:geospatial_lon_min = "-130.0" ;
:geospatial_lon_max = " -65.0" ;
:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
:geospatial_lon_resolution = "0.10" ;
:geospatial_vertical_min = " 0" ;
:geospatial_vertical_max = "2285" ;
:geospatial_vertical_units = "km" ;
:geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ;
:model = "CONUS-MT-2019" ;
longitude = -129.95, -129.85, -129.75, -129.65, -129.55, -129.45, -129.35,
-129.25, -129.15, -129.05, -128.95, -128.85, -128.75, -128.65, -128.55,
-128.45, -128.35, -128.25, -128.15, -128.05, -127.95, -127.85, -127.75,
-127.65, -127.55, -127.45, -127.35, -127.25, -127.15, -127.05, -126.95,
-126.85, -126.75, -126.65, -126.55, -126.45, -126.35, -126.25, -126.15,
-126.05, -125.95, -125.85, -125.75, -125.65, -125.55, -125.45, -125.35,
-125.25, -125.15, -125.05, -124.95, -124.85, -124.75, -124.65, -124.55,
-124.45, -124.35, -124.25, -124.15, -124.05, -123.95, -123.85, -123.75,
-123.65, -123.55, -123.45, -123.35, -123.25, -123.15, -123.05, -122.95,
-122.85, -122.75, -122.65, -122.55, -122.45, -122.35, -122.25, -122.15,
-122.05, -121.95, -121.85, -121.75, -121.65, -121.55, -121.45, -121.35,
-121.25, -121.15, -121.05, -120.95, -120.85, -120.75, -120.65, -120.55,
-120.45, -120.35, -120.25, -120.15, -120.05, -119.95, -119.85, -119.75,
-119.65, -119.55, -119.45, -119.35, -119.25, -119.15, -119.05, -118.95,
-118.85, -118.75, -118.65, -118.55, -118.45, -118.35, -118.25, -118.15,
-118.05, -117.95, -117.85, -117.75, -117.65, -117.55, -117.45, -117.35,
-117.25, -117.15, -117.05, -116.95, -116.85, -116.75, -116.65, -116.55,
-116.45, -116.35, -116.25, -116.15, -116.05, -115.95, -115.85, -115.75,
-115.65, -115.55, -115.45, -115.35, -115.25, -115.15, -115.05, -114.95,
-114.85, -114.75, -114.65, -114.55, -114.45, -114.35, -114.25, -114.15,
-114.05, -113.95, -113.85, -113.75, -113.65, -113.55, -113.45, -113.35,
-113.25, -113.15, -113.05, -112.95, -112.85, -112.75, -112.65, -112.55,
-112.45, -112.35, -112.25, -112.15, -112.05, -111.95, -111.85, -111.75,
-111.65, -111.55, -111.45, -111.35, -111.25, -111.15, -111.05, -110.95,
-110.85, -110.75, -110.65, -110.55, -110.45, -110.35, -110.25, -110.15,
-110.05, -109.95, -109.85, -109.75, -109.65, -109.55, -109.45, -109.35,
-109.25, -109.15, -109.05, -108.95, -108.85, -108.75, -108.65, -108.55,
-108.45, -108.35, -108.25, -108.15, -108.05, -107.95, -107.85, -107.75,
-107.65, -107.55, -107.45, -107.35, -107.25, -107.15, -107.05, -106.95,
-106.85, -106.75, -106.65, -106.55, -106.45, -106.35, -106.25, -106.15,
-106.05, -105.95, -105.85, -105.75, -105.65, -105.55, -105.45, -105.35,
-105.25, -105.15, -105.05, -104.95, -104.85, -104.75, -104.65, -104.55,
-104.45, -104.35, -104.25, -104.15, -104.05, -103.95, -103.85, -103.75,
-103.65, -103.55, -103.45, -103.35, -103.25, -103.15, -103.05, -102.95,
-102.85, -102.75, -102.65, -102.55, -102.45, -102.35, -102.25, -102.15,
-102.05, -101.95, -101.85, -101.75, -101.65, -101.55, -101.45, -101.35,
-101.25, -101.15, -101.05, -100.95, -100.85, -100.75, -100.65, -100.55,
-100.45, -100.35, -100.25, -100.15, -100.05, -99.95, -99.85, -99.75,
-99.65, -99.55, -99.45, -99.35, -99.25, -99.15, -99.05, -98.95, -98.85,
-98.75, -98.65, -98.55, -98.45, -98.35, -98.25, -98.15, -98.05, -97.95,
-97.85, -97.75, -97.65, -97.55, -97.45, -97.35, -97.25, -97.15, -97.05,
-96.95, -96.85, -96.75, -96.65, -96.55, -96.45, -96.35, -96.25, -96.15,
-96.05, -95.95, -95.85, -95.75, -95.65, -95.55, -95.45, -95.35, -95.25,
-95.15, -95.05, -94.95, -94.85, -94.75, -94.65, -94.55, -94.45, -94.35,
-94.25, -94.15, -94.05, -93.95, -93.85, -93.75, -93.65, -93.55, -93.45,
-93.35, -93.25, -93.15, -93.05, -92.95, -92.85, -92.75, -92.65, -92.55,
-92.45, -92.35, -92.25, -92.15, -92.05, -91.95, -91.85, -91.75, -91.65,
-91.55, -91.45, -91.35, -91.25, -91.15, -91.05, -90.95, -90.85, -90.75,
-90.65, -90.55, -90.45, -90.35, -90.25, -90.15, -90.05, -89.95, -89.85,
-89.75, -89.65, -89.55, -89.45, -89.35, -89.25, -89.15, -89.05, -88.95,
-88.85, -88.75, -88.65, -88.55, -88.45, -88.35, -88.25, -88.15, -88.05,
-87.95, -87.85, -87.75, -87.65, -87.55, -87.45, -87.35, -87.25, -87.15,
-87.05, -86.95, -86.85, -86.75, -86.65, -86.55, -86.45, -86.35, -86.25,
-86.15, -86.05, -85.95, -85.85, -85.75, -85.65, -85.55, -85.45, -85.35,
-85.25, -85.15, -85.05, -84.95, -84.85, -84.75, -84.65, -84.55, -84.45,
-84.35, -84.25, -84.15, -84.05, -83.95, -83.85, -83.75, -83.65, -83.55,
-83.45, -83.35, -83.25, -83.15, -83.05, -82.95, -82.85, -82.75, -82.65,
-82.55, -82.45, -82.35, -82.25, -82.15, -82.05, -81.95, -81.85, -81.75,
-81.65, -81.55, -81.45, -81.35, -81.25, -81.15, -81.05, -80.95, -80.85,
-80.75, -80.65, -80.55, -80.45, -80.35, -80.25, -80.15, -80.05, -79.95,
-79.85, -79.75, -79.65, -79.55, -79.45, -79.35, -79.25, -79.15, -79.05,
-78.95, -78.85, -78.75, -78.65, -78.55, -78.45, -78.35, -78.25, -78.15,
-78.05, -77.95, -77.85, -77.75, -77.65, -77.55, -77.45, -77.35, -77.25,
-77.15, -77.05, -76.95, -76.85, -76.75, -76.65, -76.55, -76.45, -76.35,
-76.25, -76.15, -76.05, -75.95, -75.85, -75.75, -75.65, -75.55, -75.45,
-75.35, -75.25, -75.15, -75.05, -74.95, -74.85, -74.75, -74.65, -74.55,
-74.45, -74.35, -74.25, -74.15, -74.05, -73.95, -73.85, -73.75, -73.65,
-73.55, -73.45, -73.35, -73.25, -73.15, -73.05, -72.95, -72.85, -72.75,
-72.65, -72.55, -72.45, -72.35, -72.25, -72.15, -72.05, -71.95, -71.85,
-71.75, -71.65, -71.55, -71.45, -71.35, -71.25, -71.15, -71.05, -70.95,
-70.85, -70.75, -70.65, -70.55, -70.45, -70.35, -70.25, -70.15, -70.05,
-69.95, -69.85, -69.75, -69.65, -69.55, -69.45, -69.35, -69.25, -69.15,
-69.05, -68.95, -68.85, -68.75, -68.65, -68.55, -68.45, -68.35, -68.25,
-68.15, -68.05, -67.95, -67.85, -67.75, -67.65, -67.55, -67.45, -67.35,
-67.25, -67.15, -67.05, -66.95, -66.85, -66.75, -66.65, -66.55, -66.45,
-66.35, -66.25, -66.15, -66.05, -65.95, -65.85, -65.75, -65.65, -65.55,
-65.45, -65.35, -65.25, -65.15, -65.05 ;
latitude = 23.15, 23.25, 23.35, 23.45, 23.55, 23.65, 23.75, 23.85, 23.95,
24.05, 24.15, 24.25, 24.35, 24.45, 24.55, 24.65, 24.75, 24.85, 24.95,
25.05, 25.15, 25.25, 25.35, 25.45, 25.55, 25.65, 25.75, 25.85, 25.95,
26.05, 26.15, 26.25, 26.35, 26.45, 26.55, 26.65, 26.75, 26.85, 26.95,
27.05, 27.15, 27.25, 27.35, 27.45, 27.55, 27.65, 27.75, 27.85, 27.95,
28.05, 28.15, 28.25, 28.35, 28.45, 28.55, 28.65, 28.75, 28.85, 28.95,
29.05, 29.15, 29.25, 29.35, 29.45, 29.55, 29.65, 29.75, 29.85, 29.95,
30.05, 30.15, 30.25, 30.35, 30.45, 30.55, 30.65, 30.75, 30.85, 30.95,
31.05, 31.15, 31.25, 31.35, 31.45, 31.55, 31.65, 31.75, 31.85, 31.95,
32.05, 32.15, 32.25, 32.35, 32.45, 32.55, 32.65, 32.75, 32.85, 32.95,
33.05, 33.15, 33.25, 33.35, 33.45, 33.55, 33.65, 33.75, 33.85, 33.95,
34.05, 34.15, 34.25, 34.35, 34.45, 34.55, 34.65, 34.75, 34.85, 34.95,
35.05, 35.15, 35.25, 35.35, 35.45, 35.55, 35.65, 35.75, 35.85, 35.95,
36.05, 36.15, 36.25, 36.35, 36.45, 36.55, 36.65, 36.75, 36.85, 36.95,
37.05, 37.15, 37.25, 37.35, 37.45, 37.55, 37.65, 37.75, 37.85, 37.95,
38.05, 38.15, 38.25, 38.35, 38.45, 38.55, 38.65, 38.75, 38.85, 38.95,
39.05, 39.15, 39.25, 39.35, 39.45, 39.55, 39.65, 39.75, 39.85, 39.95,
40.05, 40.15, 40.25, 40.35, 40.45, 40.55, 40.65, 40.75, 40.85, 40.95,
41.05, 41.15, 41.25, 41.35, 41.45, 41.55, 41.65, 41.75, 41.85, 41.95,
42.05, 42.15, 42.25, 42.35, 42.45, 42.55, 42.65, 42.75, 42.85, 42.95,
43.05, 43.15, 43.25, 43.35, 43.45, 43.55, 43.65, 43.75, 43.85, 43.95,
44.05, 44.15, 44.25, 44.35, 44.45, 44.55, 44.65, 44.75, 44.85, 44.95,
45.05, 45.15, 45.25, 45.35, 45.45, 45.55, 45.65, 45.75, 45.85, 45.95,
46.05, 46.15, 46.25, 46.35, 46.45, 46.55, 46.65, 46.75, 46.85, 46.95,
47.05, 47.15, 47.25, 47.35, 47.45, 47.55, 47.65, 47.75, 47.85, 47.95,
48.05, 48.15, 48.25, 48.35, 48.45, 48.55, 48.65, 48.75, 48.85, 48.95,
49.05, 49.15, 49.25, 49.35, 49.45, 49.55, 49.65, 49.75, 49.85, 49.95,
50.05, 50.15, 50.25, 50.35, 50.45, 50.55, 50.65, 50.75, 50.85 ;
depth = 0.05, 0.15325, 0.2632113, 0.38032, 0.5050408, 0.6378684, 0.7793299,
0.9299863, 1.090435, 1.261314, 1.443299, 1.637114, 1.843526, 2.063355,
2.297473, 2.546809, 2.812351, 3.095155, 3.396339, 3.717102, 4.058713,
4.42253, 4.809994, 5.222643, 5.662115, 6.130153, 6.628613, 7.159472,
7.724838, 8.326953, 8.968204, 9.651138, 10.37846, 11.15306, 11.97801,
12.85658, 13.79226, 14.78876, 15.85003, 16.98028, 18.184, 19.46596,
20.83124, 22.28527, 23.83381, 25.48301, 27.23941, 29.10997, 31.10212,
33.22376, 35.4833, 37.88972, 40.45255, 43.18196, 46.08879, 49.18456,
52.48156, 55.99286, 59.7324, 63.715, 67.95647, 72.47365, 77.28443,
82.40792, 87.86444, 93.67563, 99.86454, 106.1564, 112.5579, 119.3755,
126.6362, 134.3689, 142.6042, 151.3749, 160.7156, 170.6634, 181.2579,
192.541, 204.5574, 217.355, 230.9844, 245.4997, 260.9586, 277.4222,
294.956, 313.6295, 333.5167, 354.6966, 377.2532, 401.276, 427.6655,
456.6455, 487.6541, 520.8333, 556.335, 594.3219, 634.9679, 678.459,
724.9946, 774.7876, 828.0662, 885.0742, 946.0728, 1011.341, 1081.179,
1155.905, 1235.861, 1339.187, 1494.176, 1726.659, 2075.383 ;