Coordinate variable data and header information for model

netcdf CRUST1.0-vs.r0.1 {
	latitude = 180 ;
	longitude = 360 ;
	float latitude(latitude) ;
		latitude:long_name = "Latitude; positive north" ;
		latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
		latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
	float longitude(longitude) ;
		longitude:long_name = "Longitude; positive east" ;
		longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
		longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
	float water_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		water_vs:long_name = "water vs" ;
		water_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		water_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float water_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		water_top:long_name = "water top  relative to sea level" ;
		water_top:units = "km" ;
		water_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float water_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		water_thickness:long_name = "water thickness" ;
		water_thickness:units = "km" ;
		water_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float ice_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		ice_vs:long_name = "ice vs" ;
		ice_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		ice_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float ice_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		ice_top:long_name = "ice top  relative to sea level" ;
		ice_top:units = "km" ;
		ice_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float ice_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		ice_thickness:long_name = "ice thickness" ;
		ice_thickness:units = "km" ;
		ice_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_sediments_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_sediments_vs:long_name = "upper sediments vs" ;
		upper_sediments_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		upper_sediments_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_sediments_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_sediments_top:long_name = "upper sediments top  relative to sea level" ;
		upper_sediments_top:units = "km" ;
		upper_sediments_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_sediments_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_sediments_thickness:long_name = "upper sediments thickness" ;
		upper_sediments_thickness:units = "km" ;
		upper_sediments_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_sediments_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_sediments_vs:long_name = "middle sediments vs" ;
		middle_sediments_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		middle_sediments_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_sediments_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_sediments_top:long_name = "middle sediments top  relative to sea level" ;
		middle_sediments_top:units = "km" ;
		middle_sediments_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_sediments_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_sediments_thickness:long_name = "middle sediments thickness" ;
		middle_sediments_thickness:units = "km" ;
		middle_sediments_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_sediments_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_sediments_vs:long_name = "lower sediments vs" ;
		lower_sediments_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		lower_sediments_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_sediments_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_sediments_top:long_name = "lower sediments top  relative to sea level" ;
		lower_sediments_top:units = "km" ;
		lower_sediments_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_sediments_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_sediments_thickness:long_name = "lower sediments thickness" ;
		lower_sediments_thickness:units = "km" ;
		lower_sediments_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_crust_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_crust_vs:long_name = "upper crust vs" ;
		upper_crust_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		upper_crust_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_crust_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_crust_top:long_name = "upper crust top  relative to sea level" ;
		upper_crust_top:units = "km" ;
		upper_crust_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float upper_crust_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		upper_crust_thickness:long_name = "upper crust thickness" ;
		upper_crust_thickness:units = "km" ;
		upper_crust_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_crust_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_crust_vs:long_name = "middle crust vs" ;
		middle_crust_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		middle_crust_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_crust_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_crust_top:long_name = "middle crust top  relative to sea level" ;
		middle_crust_top:units = "km" ;
		middle_crust_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float middle_crust_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		middle_crust_thickness:long_name = "middle crust thickness" ;
		middle_crust_thickness:units = "km" ;
		middle_crust_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_crust_vs(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_crust_vs:long_name = "lower crust vs" ;
		lower_crust_vs:units = "km.s-1" ;
		lower_crust_vs:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_crust_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_crust_top:long_name = "lower crust top  relative to sea level" ;
		lower_crust_top:units = "km" ;
		lower_crust_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float lower_crust_thickness(latitude, longitude) ;
		lower_crust_thickness:long_name = "lower crust thickness" ;
		lower_crust_thickness:units = "km" ;
		lower_crust_thickness:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float mantle_vsn(latitude, longitude) ;
		mantle_vsn:long_name = "mantle vsn" ;
		mantle_vsn:units = "km.s-1" ;
		mantle_vsn:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;
	float mantle_top(latitude, longitude) ;
		mantle_top:long_name = "mantle top  relative to sea level" ;
		mantle_top:units = "km" ;
		mantle_top:comment = "evaluated at the cell centers" ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "A 1-degree Global Model of Earth\'s Crust" ;
		:id = "CRUST1.0" ;
		:data_revision = "r0.1" ;
		:summary = "In this model, for each 1-degree cell, boundary depth, compressional and shear velocity, density as well as thickness are given for 8 layers: water, ice, 3 sediment layers and upper, middle and lower crystalline crust as well as a ninth layer below the Moho." ;
		:keywords = "Moho depths, CRUST1.0, water, ice, sediment layers, upper crystalline crust,lower crystalline crust, middle upper crystalline crust, rho, vp, vs, vpn, vsn" ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
		:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
		:acknowledgment = "Model was provided by Gabi Laske" ;
		:history = "2022-01-27 23:38:11 UTC Converted to netCDF by v2022.026 from CRUST1.0-vs.csv\n",
			"2022-01-27 r0.1 DMC added comment to variables indicating that they are for the center of cell;2020-03-03 17:05:13 UTC Converted to GeoCSV by ,V.2020.006 from; 2019-12-05 IRIS DMC, updated geospatial fields, if needed, to convert to float ; Wed Nov 20 10:27:36 2019: ncatted -O -a creator_email,global,m,c,; Created by (2019-11-19T19:54:16+00:00); 2020-02-28 IRIS DMC, updated metadata to organize reference, author, repository and also add PID" ;
		:comment = "model converted to netCDF by IRIS EMC" ;
		:comment_latitude = "values correspond to the midpoint of the cells (tiles)" ;
		:comment_longitude = "values correspond to the midpoint of the cells (tiles)" ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = -89.5f ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = 89.5f ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
		:geospatial_lat_resolution = 1.f ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = -179.5f ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = 179.5f ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
		:geospatial_lon_resolution = 1.f ;
		:source = "Converted from CRUST1.0-vs.csv" ;
		:NCO = "netCDF Operators version 4.7.5 (Homepage =, Code =" ;
		:netcdf_file = "" ;
		:reference = "Laske, Ma, Masters , and Pasyanos (2012)" ;
		:reference_pid = "" ;
		:author_name = "Gabi Laske" ;
		:author_email = "" ;
		:author_institution = "IGPP, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA" ;
		:author_url = "" ;
		:repository_name = "EMC" ;
		:repository_institution = "IRIS DMC" ;
		:repository_pid = "doi:10.17611/DP/emccrust10" ;
		:model = "CRUST1.0" ;

 latitude = -89.5, -88.5, -87.5, -86.5, -85.5, -84.5, -83.5, -82.5, -81.5, 
    -80.5, -79.5, -78.5, -77.5, -76.5, -75.5, -74.5, -73.5, -72.5, -71.5, 
    -70.5, -69.5, -68.5, -67.5, -66.5, -65.5, -64.5, -63.5, -62.5, -61.5, 
    -60.5, -59.5, -58.5, -57.5, -56.5, -55.5, -54.5, -53.5, -52.5, -51.5, 
    -50.5, -49.5, -48.5, -47.5, -46.5, -45.5, -44.5, -43.5, -42.5, -41.5, 
    -40.5, -39.5, -38.5, -37.5, -36.5, -35.5, -34.5, -33.5, -32.5, -31.5, 
    -30.5, -29.5, -28.5, -27.5, -26.5, -25.5, -24.5, -23.5, -22.5, -21.5, 
    -20.5, -19.5, -18.5, -17.5, -16.5, -15.5, -14.5, -13.5, -12.5, -11.5, 
    -10.5, -9.5, -8.5, -7.5, -6.5, -5.5, -4.5, -3.5, -2.5, -1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 
    1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 
    14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5, 22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 
    26.5, 27.5, 28.5, 29.5, 30.5, 31.5, 32.5, 33.5, 34.5, 35.5, 36.5, 37.5, 
    38.5, 39.5, 40.5, 41.5, 42.5, 43.5, 44.5, 45.5, 46.5, 47.5, 48.5, 49.5, 
    50.5, 51.5, 52.5, 53.5, 54.5, 55.5, 56.5, 57.5, 58.5, 59.5, 60.5, 61.5, 
    62.5, 63.5, 64.5, 65.5, 66.5, 67.5, 68.5, 69.5, 70.5, 71.5, 72.5, 73.5, 
    74.5, 75.5, 76.5, 77.5, 78.5, 79.5, 80.5, 81.5, 82.5, 83.5, 84.5, 85.5, 
    86.5, 87.5, 88.5, 89.5 ;

 longitude = -179.5, -178.5, -177.5, -176.5, -175.5, -174.5, -173.5, -172.5, 
    -171.5, -170.5, -169.5, -168.5, -167.5, -166.5, -165.5, -164.5, -163.5, 
    -162.5, -161.5, -160.5, -159.5, -158.5, -157.5, -156.5, -155.5, -154.5, 
    -153.5, -152.5, -151.5, -150.5, -149.5, -148.5, -147.5, -146.5, -145.5, 
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    -108.5, -107.5, -106.5, -105.5, -104.5, -103.5, -102.5, -101.5, -100.5, 
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