Coordinate variable data and header information for model

netcdf WUS.MT.Bedrosian2021.resistivity.r0.0 {
	longitude = 250 ;
	latitude = 200 ;
	depth = 79 ;
	float longitude(longitude) ;
		longitude:long_name = "Longitude; positive east" ;
		longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
		longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ;
	float latitude(latitude) ;
		latitude:long_name = "Latitude; positive north" ;
		latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
		latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ;
	float depth(depth) ;
		depth:long_name = "depth below earth surface" ;
		depth:units = "km" ;
		depth:positive = "down" ;
	float log_10sigma(depth, latitude, longitude) ;
		log_10sigma:long_name = "electrical conductivity" ;
		log_10sigma:display_name = "log(10) electrical conductivity, in S/m" ;
		log_10sigma:units = "S/m" ;
		log_10sigma:missing_value = 99999.f ;
		log_10sigma:_FillValue = 99999.f ;

// global attributes:
		:title = "Three-dimensional electrical conductivity model of the western United States based on magnetotelluric data." ;
		:id = "WUS-MT-2021" ;
		:data_revision = "r0.0" ;
		:summary = "The 3D WUS resistivity model (Murphy et al., 2021) is derived from inversion \n",
			"of full magnetotelluric impedance and vertical magnetic-field transfer functions. \n",
			"The inverse resistivity model was calculated on a 3D rectilinear grid centered \n",
			"at 40.75°N,113.25°W. The core model area has a 10-km uniform horizontal cell spacing \n",
			"extending from 126.25°W to 103.4°W and from 31.35°N to 49°N (2200 km N/S by 2100 km E/W). \n",
			"The horizontal grid was padded by 10 cells with logarithmically increasing width \n",
			"(0.176 in log units) in each direction. This additional padding is provided for \n",
			"numerical reasons so that inaccuracies in boundary conditions have minimal effect \n",
			"on the inverse solution. The vertical mesh is non-uniform, with logarithmically \n",
			"spaced cell thickness (0.04 in log units) starting from 25 m at the surface \n",
			"to a total depth of 824 km. There is little model resolution below 350 km depth; \n",
			"additional padding at depth is provided for numerical reasons. The total model domain \n",
			"(220 x 210 x 85 cells) contains over 3.9 million model cells. The 100 Ω·m starting model \n",
			"has been modified to incorporate a conductive mantle transition-zone, with a resistivity \n",
			"of 10 Ω·m below 410 km and 1 Ω·m below 660 km nominal depths.\n",
			"The model presented here is interpolated onto a uniform 0.1° × 0.1° grid that approximates \n",
			"the 10-km horizontal cell size of the rectilinear modeling grid. The non-uniform vertical \n",
			"grid of the original model is preserved. The model has been cropped between 127.5°W and 102.5°W \n",
			"and from 30°N and 50°N. The diffusive nature of magnetotelluric fields in the Earth \n",
			"serves to degrade resolution with increasing depth, however a minimum horizontal resolution \n",
			"of 30 km can be estimated based upon the applied model covariance (which defines the degree \n",
			"of smoothing regularization) and the horizontal cell size.\n",
			"The model is derived from magnetotelluric data at 1,525 sites. Data were inverted using \n",
			"the ModEM inversion code (Egbert and Kelbert, 2012; Kelbert et al., 2014). Inverted data \n",
			"consist of long-period data collected during the EarthScope program (Kerr, 2013) and more \n",
			"than a dozen local data sets. All data are publicly available through the IRIS \n",
			"Data Management Center (Kelbert et al., 2011). (Kelbert et al., 2011). Both full \n",
			"impedance (Z) and vertical magnetic field (T) transfer functions (tippers) were \n",
			"inverted for the combined data set at 19 periods from 5 to 20,000 s. Data were inverted \n",
			"with statistically-determined errors but subject to error floors defined as 5% of the \n",
			"square root of |Zxy · Zyx| and 0.03 in T. A sequential inversion approach \n",
			"(Bedrosian et al., 2018) was applied to balance the fit between impedance and tipper data \n",
			"and to build structure progressively within the model while simultaneously reducing error floors. \n",
			"A 100 Ω·m prior model was applied in all inversion steps and serves to damp unnecessary structure \n",
			"in those parts of the model domain with little data sensitivity. A final normalized \n",
			"root-mean-square (nRMS) data misfit of 3.96 was obtained, representing a 90% reduction \n",
			"in misfit relative to the starting halfspace model (nRMS = 38.27). This model is incorporated \n",
			"as a component within the CONUS synthesis model CONUS-MT-2021 (Murphy et al., 2021)." ;
		:keywords = "regional, electromagnetic, magnetotelluric, resistivity, electrical conductivity, western United States" ;
		:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
		:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;
		:author_name = "Paul A Bedrosian" ;
		:author_url = "" ;
		:author_email = "" ;
		:institution = "U.S. Geological Survey" ;
		:repository_name = "EMC" ;
		:repository_institution = "IRIS EMC" ;
		:repository_pid = "doi:10.17611/dp/emc.2021.wusmt.1" ;
		:acknowledgment = "Model was provided by the author, Paul A Bedrosian\n",
			"U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center, Denver, CO" ;
		:references = "Bedrosian, P. A., Peacock, J. R., Bowles-Martinez, E., Schultz, A., and Hill, G. J. (2018). Crustal inheritance and a top-down control on arc\n",
			"magmatism at Mount St Helens. Nature Geoscience, 11, 865–870.\n",
			"Egbert, G. D., and Kelbert, A. (2012). Computational recipes for electromagnetic inverse problems. Geophysical Journal International, 189,\n",
			"Kelbert, A., Meqbel, N., Egbert, G. D., and Tandon, K. (2014). ModEM: A modular system for inversion of electromagnetic geophysical data.\n",
			"Computers and Geosciences, 66, 40–53.\n",
			"Kelbert, A., Egbert, G. D., and Schultz, A. (2011). Data services products: EMTF, the magnetotelluric transfer functions. Retrieved from http://\n",
			"Kerr, R. A. (2013). Geophysical exploration linking deep Earth and backyard geology. Science, 340, 1283–1285.\n",
			"Murphy, B.S., Bedrosian, P. and Kelbert, A., 2021. Geoelectric Constraints on the Precambrian Assembly and Architecture of Southern Laurentia in GSA Memoir (\"Laurentia: An Evolving Continent\")" ;
		:history = "2021-09-20" ;
		:comment = "Created via three-step inversion of full impedance and vertical magnetic field transfer functions. Inversion methodology described in Bedrosian et al., (2018)." ;
		:geospatial_lat_min = "  30.0" ;
		:geospatial_lat_max = "  50.0" ;
		:geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north" ;
		:geospatial_lat_resolution = "0.10" ;
		:geospatial_lon_min = "-127.5" ;
		:geospatial_lon_max = "-102.5" ;
		:geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east" ;
		:geospatial_lon_resolution = "0.10" ;
		:geospatial_vertical_min = "   0" ;
		:geospatial_vertical_max = " 500" ;
		:geospatial_vertical_units = "km" ;
		:geospatial_vertical_positive = "down" ;
		:model = "WUS-MT-2021" ;

 longitude = -127.45, -127.35, -127.25, -127.15, -127.05, -126.95, -126.85, 
    -126.75, -126.65, -126.55, -126.45, -126.35, -126.25, -126.15, -126.05, 
    -125.95, -125.85, -125.75, -125.65, -125.55, -125.45, -125.35, -125.25, 
    -125.15, -125.05, -124.95, -124.85, -124.75, -124.65, -124.55, -124.45, 
    -124.35, -124.25, -124.15, -124.05, -123.95, -123.85, -123.75, -123.65, 
    -123.55, -123.45, -123.35, -123.25, -123.15, -123.05, -122.95, -122.85, 
    -122.75, -122.65, -122.55, -122.45, -122.35, -122.25, -122.15, -122.05, 
    -121.95, -121.85, -121.75, -121.65, -121.55, -121.45, -121.35, -121.25, 
    -121.15, -121.05, -120.95, -120.85, -120.75, -120.65, -120.55, -120.45, 
    -120.35, -120.25, -120.15, -120.05, -119.95, -119.85, -119.75, -119.65, 
    -119.55, -119.45, -119.35, -119.25, -119.15, -119.05, -118.95, -118.85, 
    -118.75, -118.65, -118.55, -118.45, -118.35, -118.25, -118.15, -118.05, 
    -117.95, -117.85, -117.75, -117.65, -117.55, -117.45, -117.35, -117.25, 
    -117.15, -117.05, -116.95, -116.85, -116.75, -116.65, -116.55, -116.45, 
    -116.35, -116.25, -116.15, -116.05, -115.95, -115.85, -115.75, -115.65, 
    -115.55, -115.45, -115.35, -115.25, -115.15, -115.05, -114.95, -114.85, 
    -114.75, -114.65, -114.55, -114.45, -114.35, -114.25, -114.15, -114.05, 
    -113.95, -113.85, -113.75, -113.65, -113.55, -113.45, -113.35, -113.25, 
    -113.15, -113.05, -112.95, -112.85, -112.75, -112.65, -112.55, -112.45, 
    -112.35, -112.25, -112.15, -112.05, -111.95, -111.85, -111.75, -111.65, 
    -111.55, -111.45, -111.35, -111.25, -111.15, -111.05, -110.95, -110.85, 
    -110.75, -110.65, -110.55, -110.45, -110.35, -110.25, -110.15, -110.05, 
    -109.95, -109.85, -109.75, -109.65, -109.55, -109.45, -109.35, -109.25, 
    -109.15, -109.05, -108.95, -108.85, -108.75, -108.65, -108.55, -108.45, 
    -108.35, -108.25, -108.15, -108.05, -107.95, -107.85, -107.75, -107.65, 
    -107.55, -107.45, -107.35, -107.25, -107.15, -107.05, -106.95, -106.85, 
    -106.75, -106.65, -106.55, -106.45, -106.35, -106.25, -106.15, -106.05, 
    -105.95, -105.85, -105.75, -105.65, -105.55, -105.45, -105.35, -105.25, 
    -105.15, -105.05, -104.95, -104.85, -104.75, -104.65, -104.55, -104.45, 
    -104.35, -104.25, -104.15, -104.05, -103.95, -103.85, -103.75, -103.65, 
    -103.55, -103.45, -103.35, -103.25, -103.15, -103.05, -102.95, -102.85, 
    -102.75, -102.65, -102.55 ;

 latitude = 30.05, 30.15, 30.25, 30.35, 30.45, 30.55, 30.65, 30.75, 30.85, 
    30.95, 31.05, 31.15, 31.25, 31.35, 31.45, 31.55, 31.65, 31.75, 31.85, 
    31.95, 32.05, 32.15, 32.25, 32.35, 32.45, 32.55, 32.65, 32.75, 32.85, 
    32.95, 33.05, 33.15, 33.25, 33.35, 33.45, 33.55, 33.65, 33.75, 33.85, 
    33.95, 34.05, 34.15, 34.25, 34.35, 34.45, 34.55, 34.65, 34.75, 34.85, 
    34.95, 35.05, 35.15, 35.25, 35.35, 35.45, 35.55, 35.65, 35.75, 35.85, 
    35.95, 36.05, 36.15, 36.25, 36.35, 36.45, 36.55, 36.65, 36.75, 36.85, 
    36.95, 37.05, 37.15, 37.25, 37.35, 37.45, 37.55, 37.65, 37.75, 37.85, 
    37.95, 38.05, 38.15, 38.25, 38.35, 38.45, 38.55, 38.65, 38.75, 38.85, 
    38.95, 39.05, 39.15, 39.25, 39.35, 39.45, 39.55, 39.65, 39.75, 39.85, 
    39.95, 40.05, 40.15, 40.25, 40.35, 40.45, 40.55, 40.65, 40.75, 40.85, 
    40.95, 41.05, 41.15, 41.25, 41.35, 41.45, 41.55, 41.65, 41.75, 41.85, 
    41.95, 42.05, 42.15, 42.25, 42.35, 42.45, 42.55, 42.65, 42.75, 42.85, 
    42.95, 43.05, 43.15, 43.25, 43.35, 43.45, 43.55, 43.65, 43.75, 43.85, 
    43.95, 44.05, 44.15, 44.25, 44.35, 44.45, 44.55, 44.65, 44.75, 44.85, 
    44.95, 45.05, 45.15, 45.25, 45.35, 45.45, 45.55, 45.65, 45.75, 45.85, 
    45.95, 46.05, 46.15, 46.25, 46.35, 46.45, 46.55, 46.65, 46.75, 46.85, 
    46.95, 47.05, 47.15, 47.25, 47.35, 47.45, 47.55, 47.65, 47.75, 47.85, 
    47.95, 48.05, 48.15, 48.25, 48.35, 48.45, 48.55, 48.65, 48.75, 48.85, 
    48.95, 49.05, 49.15, 49.25, 49.35, 49.45, 49.55, 49.65, 49.75, 49.85, 
    49.95 ;

 depth = 0.0125, 0.039, 0.068, 0.0995, 0.1345, 0.173, 0.215, 0.2615, 0.313, 
    0.3695, 0.4315, 0.4995, 0.574, 0.656, 0.7465, 0.846, 0.9555, 1.076, 
    1.2085, 1.3545, 1.515, 1.6915, 1.886, 2.1, 2.335, 2.5935, 2.878, 3.191, 
    3.5355, 3.9145, 4.331, 4.789, 5.293, 5.8475, 6.4575, 7.1285, 7.8665, 
    8.678, 9.5705, 10.5525, 11.6325, 12.8205, 14.1275, 15.565, 17.1465, 
    18.886, 20.799, 22.9035, 25.2185, 27.765, 30.5665, 33.648, 37.0375, 
    40.766, 44.8675, 49.379, 54.3415, 59.8005, 65.8055, 72.411, 79.677, 
    87.6695, 96.4615, 106.133, 116.7715, 128.4735, 141.3455, 155.505, 
    171.0805, 188.2135, 207.06, 227.791, 250.595, 275.6795, 303.2725, 
    333.6245, 367.0115, 403.7375, 444.136 ;