View a timeline of data product development: interactive version | CSV version | Excel version
Date | Product | Event | Categories |
2010 | |||
2010-02-25 | GMV |
GMV online, automated production of GMV started
2010-04-20 | EARS |
EARS moved to IRIS DMC and became an IRIS DMC data product
2010-10-20 | GMV |
3-component GMVs online
2011 | |||
2011-02-01 | EventPlots |
Event Plots online
2011-03-24 | GMV |
Customized GMV online
2011-08-01 | MomentTensor |
Global CMTs released
Global CMTs released |
2011-08-01 | EMTF |
MT Transfer Functions released
MT Transfer Functions released |
2011-10-01 | BackProjection |
BackProjection R1 (Fortran) online
None |
2011-11-14 | EMC |
EMC online
2012 | |||
2012-02-01 | EMC |
Generalized X-section Viewer
2012-03-21 | SWS-DB |
online with the Géosciences Montpellier database
2012-03-21 | SWS-DBs |
online with the Géosciences Montpellier database
2012-06-01 | SeisSound |
2012-06-01 | ANCC-CIEI |
WUS ANCC online
2012-06-16 | PDF-PSD |
2012-09-15 | Infrasound-TAIRED |
Released TA Infrasound Reference Event Database
2012-09-15 | Infrasound |
Released the TA Infrasound Reference Event Database (TAIRED)
2012-10-01 | ShakeMovieSynthetics |
Global ShakeMovie Synthetics released
Global ShakeMovie Synthetics released |
2012-11-20 | Infrasound-TAID |
Released the TA Infrasound Detections (TAID)
2012-11-20 | Infrasound |
Released the TA Infrasound Detections (TAID)
2013 | |||
2013-06-12 | EMERALD |
Release of EMERALD,
2013-09-04 | EARS |
EARS started utilizing DMC web services
2013-10-01 | EMTF |
MT XML Transfer Functions
MT XML Transfer Functions |
2013-10-22 | GMV |
Super GMVs online
2013-12-01 | EQEnergy |
EQEnergy online at IRIS
2014 | |||
2014-03-01 | SourceTimeFunction |
SourceTimeFunction online
2014-03-19 | EMC |
Added supplemental information page option for the Earth Model
2014-03-21 | SWS-DB-MST |
Added Missouri S&T shear-wave splitting database
2014-03-21 | SWS-DBs |
Added Missouri S&T shear-wave splitting database
2014-04-17 | EARS |
Removed dependency on the USGS/NEIC weekly PDE (WHDF) catalog
2014-04-28 | EnvelopeFunctions |
Initial release
2014-06-01 | electronicsupplement |
ElectronicSupplement online
2014-06-06 | ASWMS |
ASWMS online at IRIS
2014-09-18 | globalstacks |
Global stacks released
2014-10-24 | Noise Toolkit |
Noise Toolkit release
2014-10-24 | Noise Toolkit |
PDF/PSD bundle release
2014-12-17 | Aftershocks |
R1 Aftershocks online
2015 | |||
2015-01-20 | EARS |
Migrated from Oracle to PostgreSQL database
2015-04-16 | GlobalEmpiricalGreensTensors |
Global Empirical Green's Tensors released
2015-06-13 | EMC |
EMC 3D Visualizer released
2015-08-26 | Noise Toolkit |
Microseism Energy bundle release
2015-08-26 | Noise Toolkit ME |
Noise Toolkit ME released
2015-10-05 | GMV |
Expanded to include Alaska
2015-10-29 | Noise Toolkit Polarization |
Release V.1.0
2015-12-10 | syngine |
Syngine online
2016 | |||
2016-03-01 | EMTF |
MT Transfer Functions citation
Survey DOI attribution and citation preferences enabled |
2016-03-07 | PDF-PSD |
2016-06-15 | Infrasound-AELUMA |
2017 | |||
2017-12-12 | ESEC |
2020 | |||
2020-11-16 | Noise Toolkit Polarization |
Release V.2.0.0
2020-11-16 | Noise Toolkit |
V.2.0.0 Release
2021 | |||
2021-11-01 | BackProjection |
BackProjection R2 (Python 3) online
None |