Thread: Remove Response Instrument

Started: 2013-11-18 00:07:33
Last activity: 2013-11-18 00:07:33
Topics: SAC Help
Hamidatul Husna Matondang
2013-11-18 00:07:33
I am working on a local magnitude research. I want to remove response instrument
from the data and simulate the response of Wood Anderson seismograph. What should I do?
I have a few questions :
1. Which one the true procedure and command in SAC :
   a) SAC> trans from evalresp to none
      and then
      SAC> trans from polezero subtype "file name.pz" to none

   b) SAC> trans to polezero subtype "wood anderson file name.pz"

   c) SAC> trans to wa

   d) SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" to wa

   e) SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" to wa to none

   f) SAC> trans from evalresp fname RESP.SATION to wa

   g) SAC> SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" freq 0.005 0.01 1.0 2.0

2. What the different utilizing of Response File and Polezero File?
   I think polezero already included in responfile, is it right ?

May you help me? Thank You very much

Sincerely Yours

  • Arthur Snoke
    2013-11-17 15:43:55
    I think the best way for you to understand what the various options do is
    to try them andsave the results. The TRANSFER help file at has answers
    to your explicit quesitons. If anything is not clear, let me know.

    On Sun, 17 Nov 2013, amik Amik wrote:

    I am working on a local magnitude research. I want to remove response
    from the data and simulate the response of Wood Anderson seismograph. What
    should I do?
    I have a few questions :
    1. Which one the true procedure and command in SAC :
    a) SAC> trans from evalresp to none
    and then
    SAC> trans from polezero subtype "file name.pz" to none

    b) SAC> trans to polezero subtype "wood anderson file name.pz"

    c) SAC> trans to wa

    d) SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" to wa

    e) SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" to wa to none

    f) SAC> trans from evalresp fname RESP.SATION to wa

    g) SAC> SAC> trans from polezero subtype "sation's file name.pz" freq
    0.005 0.01 1.0 2.0

    2. What the different utilizing of Response File and Polezero File?
    I think polezero already included in responfile, is it right ?

    May you help me? Thank You very much

    Sincerely Yours

07:19:55 v.af9cd46b