Thread: help

Started: 2014-01-08 09:00:23
Last activity: 2014-01-08 12:18:58
Topics: SAC Help
2014-01-08 09:00:23
Dear all,
I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 0 7.779
2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
But when I use listhdr command, it works.
r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
lh dist o a
FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

dist = 4.579102e+01
o = 0.000000e+00
a = 7.779000e+00

FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

dist = 6.266563e+01
o = 0.000000e+00
I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
2, The second problem is about the oapf
I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

Best Regards


  • Milton Plasencia
    2014-01-08 03:29:11

    saclst can list more than one header at time, as said the command line help.

    For have dist header, first you must have the station latitude and longitude and
    the lat-long for earthquake epicenter, and the LCALDA header set to TRUE, so
    sac calculate also Azimuth, back-azimuth and distance over the great circle headers.

    For oapf, read the help to learn on the format information of picks in the file oapf.
    help oapf


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
    OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia
    e di Geofisica Sperimentale

    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
    (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
    Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
    Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
    Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
    Fax: +39-040-327307

    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

    Dear all,
    I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
    First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
    saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
    2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 0 7.779
    2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
    But when I use listhdr command, it works.
    r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
    lh dist o a
    FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

    dist = 4.579102e+01
    o = 0.000000e+00
    a = 7.779000e+00

    FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

    dist = 6.266563e+01
    o = 0.000000e+00
    I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
    2, The second problem is about the oapf
    I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
    3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

    Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

    Best Regards


    sac-help mailing list

    • Beijixue
      2014-01-08 10:52:15
      Hi, Milton
      Thank you for your answer. I check the LCALDA of these data and I find all the values of them are true. In fact I can get DIST and GCARC in sac with the command LISTHDR but I can't get them by SACLST. Other header variable can be obtained successfully such as the lat, Lon, depth, a, o, b ……
      For the bell, it still has no response after I confirm it is an active plot window. I use sac 101.6a on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I just want to know what is wrong.
      Thank you very much!
      Best regards


      At 2014-01-08 02:29:11,"Milton Plasencia" <mpplasencia<at>> wrote:

      saclst can list more than one header at time, as said the command line help.

      For have dist header, first you must have the station latitude and longitude and
      the lat-long for earthquake epicenter, and the LCALDA header set to TRUE, so
      sac calculate also Azimuth, back-azimuth and distance over the great circle headers.

      For oapf, read the help to learn on the format information of picks in the file oapf.
      help oapf



      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
      OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia
      e di Geofisica Sperimentale

      Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
      (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
      Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
      Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
      Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
      Fax: +39-040-327307

      E-mail: mplasencia<at>

      ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

      active plot window

      On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

      Dear all,
      I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
      First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
      saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
      2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 active plot window 0 7.779
      2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
      But when I use listhdr command, it works.
      r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
      lh dist o a
      FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

      dist = 4.579102e+01
      o = 0.000000e+00
      a = 7.779000e+00

      FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

      dist = 6.266563e+01
      o = 0.000000e+00
      I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
      2, The second problem is about the oapf
      I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
      3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

      Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

      Best Regards


      sac-help mailing list

      • Januka Attanayake
        2014-01-07 19:44:12
        Yes you are right. Sorry for the misinterpretation. Milton has a better explanation. 
        Januka Attanayake
        Postdoctoral Research Associate
        Laboratório de Sismologia
        Complexo Interdisciplinar
        Departamento de Física
        Instituto Superior Técnico
        Av. Rovisco Pais, 1
        1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal 

        University email: januka.attanayake<at>

        On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 6:55 PM, "huangxy.math10<at>" <huangxy.math10<at>> wrote:

        Hi, Milton
             Thank you for your answer. I check the LCALDA  of these data and I find all the values of them are true. In fact I can get DIST and GCARC in sac with the command LISTHDR but I can't get them by SACLST. Other header variable can be obtained successfully such as the lat, Lon, depth, a, o, b ……
             For the bell,  it still has no response after I confirm it is an active plot window. I use sac 101.6a on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I just want to know what is wrong.
             Thank you very much!
         Best regards

        At 2014-01-08 02:29:11,"Milton Plasencia" <mpplasencia<at>> wrote:


        saclst can list more than one header at time, as said the command line help.

        For have dist header, first you must have the station latitude and longitude and
        the lat-long for earthquake epicenter, and the LCALDA header set to TRUE, so
        sac calculate also Azimuth, back-azimuth and distance over the great circle headers.

        For oapf, read the help to learn on the format information of picks in the file oapf.
        help oapf



        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
        OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia 
        e di Geofisica Sperimentale 

        Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
        (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
        Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
        Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
        Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
        Fax: +39-040-327307

        E-mail: mplasencia<at>

        ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

        active plot window

        On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

        Dear all,
        I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
        First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
        saclst dist o a f  2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac  2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac  2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
        2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac       -12345   active plot window        0       7.779

        2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac       -12345           0      -12345
        But when I use listhdr command, it works.
        r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac  2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
        lh dist o a
        FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

        dist = 4.579102e+01
        o = 0.000000e+00
        a = 7.779000e+00

        FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

        dist = 6.266563e+01
        o = 0.000000e+00
        I don't know why.  Could anybody tell me the reason?
        2, The second problem is about the oapf
        I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
        3,   For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

        Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

        Best Regards 


        sac-help mailing list

        sac-help mailing list
      • Dongdong Tian
        2014-01-08 11:38:07
        In your sac file, the header variable DIST is undefined, so you always get
        -12345.0 with command saclst. When you start sac , and read files, if
        header variable LCALDA is true, DIST,GCARC,AZ,BAZ will be calculated
        automatically, so you can get value of DIST using LISTHDR.

        You can try to read files, then write over. After that, you can get value
        of DIST using saclst.
        2014-1-8 上午2:55于 <huangxy.math10<at>>写道:

        Hi, Milton
        Thank you for your answer. I check the LCALDA of these data and I
        find all the values of them are true. In fact I can get DIST and GCARC in
        sac with the command LISTHDR but I can't get them by SACLST. Other header
        variable can be obtained successfully such as the lat, Lon, depth, a, o, b
        For the bell, it still has no response after I confirm it is an
        active plot window. I use sac 101.6a on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I just want to
        know what is wrong.
        Thank you very much!
        Best regards

        At 2014-01-08 02:29:11,"Milton Plasencia" <mpplasencia<at>> wrote:


        saclst can list more than one header at time, as said the command line

        For have dist header, first you must have the station latitude and
        longitude and
        the lat-long for earthquake epicenter, and the LCALDA header set to TRUE,
        sac calculate also Azimuth, back-azimuth and distance over the great
        circle headers.

        For oapf, read the help to learn on the format information of picks in the
        file oapf.
        help oapf


        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

        Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
        OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia
        e di Geofisica Sperimentale

        Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
        (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
        Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
        Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
        Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
        Fax: +39-040-327307

        E-mail: mplasencia<at>

        ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

        active plot window

        On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

        Dear all,
        I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself
        without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your
        First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't
        work. For example:
        saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac
        2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 active plot window 0
        2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
        But when I use listhdr command, it works.
        r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
        lh dist o a
        FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

        dist = 4.579102e+01
        o = 0.000000e+00
        a = 7.779000e+00

        FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

        dist = 6.266563e+01
        o = 0.000000e+00
        I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
        2, The second problem is about the oapf
        I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
        3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I
        never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

        Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

        Best Regards


        sac-help mailing list

        sac-help mailing list

        • Beijixue
          2014-01-08 12:18:58
          Yes, Dongdong is right. When using saclst to get dist, we must read and also write the *.sac file first by the command write over. Thank you as well as Milton and januka.
          Best Regards,


          At 2014-01-08 03:38:07,"Dongdong Tian" <seisman.ustc<at>> wrote:

          In your sac file, the header variable DIST is undefined, so you always get -12345.0 with command saclst. When you start sac , and read files, if header variable LCALDA is true, DIST,GCARC,AZ,BAZ will be calculated automatically, so you can get value of DIST using LISTHDR.

          You can try to read files, then write over. After that, you can get value of DIST using saclst.

          2014-1-8 上午2:55于 <huangxy.math10<at>>写道:

          Hi, Milton
          Thank you for your answer. I check the LCALDA of these data and I find all the values of them are true. In fact I can get DIST and GCARC in sac with the command LISTHDR but I can't get them by SACLST. Other header variable can be obtained successfully such as the lat, Lon, depth, a, o, b ……
          For the bell, it still has no response after I confirm it is an active plot window. I use sac 101.6a on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I just want to know what is wrong.
          Thank you very much!
          Best regards


          At 2014-01-08 02:29:11,"Milton Plasencia" <mpplasencia<at>> wrote:

          saclst can list more than one header at time, as said the command line help.

          For have dist header, first you must have the station latitude and longitude and
          the lat-long for earthquake epicenter, and the LCALDA header set to TRUE, so
          sac calculate also Azimuth, back-azimuth and distance over the great circle headers.

          For oapf, read the help to learn on the format information of picks in the file oapf.
          help oapf



          * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
          Milton P. PLASENCIA LINARES

          Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
          OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia
          e di Geofisica Sperimentale

          Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
          (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
          Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
          Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
          Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
          Fax: +39-040-327307

          E-mail: mplasencia<at>

          ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

          active plot window

          On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

          Dear all,
          I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
          First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
          saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
          2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 active plot window 0 7.779
          2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
          But when I use listhdr command, it works.
          r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
          lh dist o a
          FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

          dist = 4.579102e+01
          o = 0.000000e+00
          a = 7.779000e+00

          FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

          dist = 6.266563e+01
          o = 0.000000e+00
          I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
          2, The second problem is about the oapf
          I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
          3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

          Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

          Best Regards


          sac-help mailing list

          sac-help mailing list

  • Milton Plasencia
    2014-01-08 03:32:28

    I forget the bell,

    For bell i run

    ppk bell on

    and all is OK after do click with the mouse.

    I use sac 101.6a on Mac OSX.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche (CRS)
    OGS - Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia
    e di Geofisica Sperimentale

    Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C
    (34010) Sgonico - Trieste - Italia
    Tel: +39 040 2140 141 (Udine)
    Tel: +39 040 2140 256 (Trieste)
    Cel.: +39 331 6481 935
    Fax: +39-040-327307

    E-mail: mplasencia<at>

    ASAIN (Antarctic Seismographic Argentinean Italian Network)

    On Jan 7, 2014, at 6:00 PM, huangxy.math10<at> wrote:

    Dear all,
    I am a new user of SAC and the version is 101.6. I learn it myself without any guidance from anybody else, so I get some troubles for your help.
    First when I use saclst to list the DIST of epicentre, it can't work. For example:
    saclst dist o a f 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2032039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac9471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
    2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac -12345 0 7.779
    2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac -12345 0 -12345
    But when I use listhdr command, it works.
    r 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac
    lh dist o a
    FILE: 2039471.CI.LUC.EHZ.sac - 1

    dist = 4.579102e+01
    o = 0.000000e+00
    a = 7.779000e+00

    FILE: 2039471.CI.PLS.ELN.sac - 2

    dist = 6.266563e+01
    o = 0.000000e+00
    I don't know why. Could anybody tell me the reason?
    2, The second problem is about the oapf
    I don't know what have been written in to the file. Could anyone tell me?
    3, For Plotpk, there are a option of BELL. But when I set bell on, I never hear any sound of it when I click my mouse. Is there any problem?

    Thanks you very much for all your kind attention and help.

    Best Regards


    sac-help mailing list

21:52:03 v.b3198453