Hi all,
I have two RESP files.
These two are very similar except numerator coefficients are different at 3
stages. Gain and sensitivity values are all the same.
But it seems to me that SAC does not have a way to keep track of the
digital/FIR filter part of the instrument response. Therefore, no matter
which RESP file I used, the amplitudes of traces after removing instrument
response are still the same. but it should be 2.94 times different.
Do anyone have a clue how we can retrieve a pole-zero file which
considering gain and the numerator coefficients in all stages?
Thank you.
Peiying Patty Lin
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
I have two RESP files.
These two are very similar except numerator coefficients are different at 3
stages. Gain and sensitivity values are all the same.
But it seems to me that SAC does not have a way to keep track of the
digital/FIR filter part of the instrument response. Therefore, no matter
which RESP file I used, the amplitudes of traces after removing instrument
response are still the same. but it should be 2.94 times different.
Do anyone have a clue how we can retrieve a pole-zero file which
considering gain and the numerator coefficients in all stages?
Thank you.
Peiying Patty Lin
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Hi Patty,
In general the sensitivities of digital filters are 1.
But, for this need check the code of transfer if
it considers these sensitivities.
Can you share your resp files?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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On Feb 19, 2014, at 2:18 AM, Peiying Lin <patty.lin<at>asu.edu> wrote:
Hi all,
I have two RESP files.
These two are very similar except numerator coefficients are different at 3 stages. Gain and sensitivity values are all the same.
But it seems to me that SAC does not have a way to keep track of the digital/FIR filter part of the instrument response. Therefore, no matter which RESP file I used, the amplitudes of traces after removing instrument response are still the same. but it should be 2.94 times different.
Do anyone have a clue how we can retrieve a pole-zero file which considering gain and the numerator coefficients in all stages?
Thank you.
Peiying Patty Lin
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
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