Thread: Re: SAC version 100.1

Started: 2006-01-11 16:28:33
Last activity: 2006-01-11 16:28:33
Topics: SAC Help
Robert Casey
2006-01-11 16:28:33

Thanks for taking care of that, Tim.


On Jan 11, 2006, at 8:11 AM, Tim Knight wrote:

Hi Rob,

SAC 100.1 beta is now posted on the software download page.

Tim Knight

On Jan 10, 2006, at 2:16 PM, Robert Casey wrote:

Hi Tim-

It appears that we are now offering SAC 100.1 beta, but the
software download page is only showing version 100.  Should the 100.1
beta download go into the Testing column, since it's beta?



Begin forwarded message:

From: Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>>
Date: December 27, 2005 4:05:24 PM PST
To: SAC-help Listserv <sac-help<at>>
Subject: [SAC-HELP] SAC version 10.1

I traced down communications regarding versions of sac, etc.  Here
is a

As Brian Savage noted, the proposed version 100.1 was not posted to
IRIS on June 1, in spite of what the History file says.  That
version was sent to IRIS by Peter Goldstein on August 4.  The delay
was caused by some problems related to the additions made to 100.0
not working on all platforms, and it was not until late July that we
felt comfortable with sending it up.

Another problem is that IRIS changed listserv providers (from
majordomo to mailman) at the end of July, which affected

Here is an excerpt from a message I sent to the advisory committee
on August 6 that touches on some of the issues we had been dealing

<<The version 100.1 beta (both source and binaries) available from
IRIS is as of July 26.  It has several bug fixes, which can be seen
in the sac/CHANGES file.  We are finding some portability problems
for binary distributions between Mac 10.3.9 and 10.4.  Binaries
built using 10.3.9 will work on 10.4.2, but not vice versa.  We are
trying to build sac on Solaris 10, and have not succeeded yet.

sac-help mailing list

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