Thread: Release 1.5.1

Started: 2012-06-15 00:21:11
Last activity: 2012-06-15 17:47:10
Topics: Web Services
Celso Reyes
2012-06-15 00:21:11
Hello webservice users,

The DMC has released an updated IRIS-WS library version 1.5.1.

Changes to this version deal with dip values:
- Trace.getDip() is fixed to provide dip in the SEED convention.
- Sacpz.getDip() has been changed to Sacpz.getInclination() to avoid confusion and align with the SAC nomenclature.

You can find the complete information at

Web services team

  • Pierre Gaillard
    2012-06-15 17:47:10
    Dear Celso:

    I found two minors bugs using the new version of irisFetch.m

    - method "parse", line 1184 :
    bug correction : if strcmp(er.identifier,
    'MATLAB:heterogenousStrucAssignment') (and not

    - method "parseObjectViaGetMethods"
    initialize myStruct=[] to prevent error if thisObj is empty.

    You can generate these errors requesting the station "MDJ" (with and
    without response)

    Hope this can help.

    Pierre Gaillard

    On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Celso Reyes <celso<at>> wrote:
    Hello webservice users,

    The DMC has released an updated IRIS-WS library version 1.5.1.

    Changes to this version deal with dip values:
    - Trace.getDip() is fixed to provide dip in the SEED convention.
    - Sacpz.getDip() has been changed to Sacpz.getInclination() to avoid
    confusion and align with the SAC nomenclature.

    You can find the complete information

    Web services team

    webservices mailing list

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