Thread: All DMC web services offline during maintenance starting on Monday September 17th

Started: 2012-09-13 21:16:35
Last activity: 2012-09-21 19:19:47
Topics: Web Services

Hello web service users,

At the DMC we are migrating our main Oracle database to new hardware. During this planned down time the web services will also be offline.

The downtime will begin on Monday September 17th at approximately 4pm Pacific time (23:00 UTC). The services will be put into maintenance mode shortly before that time. We expect the database migration to be completed by the end of the next day (Tuesday), possibly sooner. Assuming the transition is smooth the services will be available shortly after the database migration is finished.

The list will be notified as soon as the services are back in operation.

Please plan your requests accordingly and thank you for your patience.


  • Reminder: all web services from the DMC will be inaccessible starting very shortly.

    A message will be sent to this list when the services are back online.

    On Sep 13, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Chad Trabant wrote:

    Hello web service users,

    At the DMC we are migrating our main Oracle database to new hardware. During this planned down time the web services will also be offline.

    The downtime will begin on Monday September 17th at approximately 4pm Pacific time (23:00 UTC). The services will be put into maintenance mode shortly before that time. We expect the database migration to be completed by the end of the next day (Tuesday), possibly sooner. Assuming the transition is smooth the services will be available shortly after the database migration is finished.

    The list will be notified as soon as the services are back in operation.

    Please plan your requests accordingly and thank you for your patience.


    • The DMC's web service interfaces are back online.

      Unfortunately the database migration did not go as planned and we reverted back to the original system. This means that we will have more downtime in the near future when we are ready again to migrate.

      Please let us know if any of the services are not working as they were before.

      IRIS DMC

      On Sep 17, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Chad Trabant wrote:

      Reminder: all web services from the DMC will be inaccessible starting very shortly.

      A message will be sent to this list when the services are back online.

      On Sep 13, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Chad Trabant wrote:

      Hello web service users,

      At the DMC we are migrating our main Oracle database to new hardware. During this planned down time the web services will also be offline.

      The downtime will begin on Monday September 17th at approximately 4pm Pacific time (23:00 UTC). The services will be put into maintenance mode shortly before that time. We expect the database migration to be completed by the end of the next day (Tuesday), possibly sooner. Assuming the transition is smooth the services will be available shortly after the database migration is finished.

      The list will be notified as soon as the services are back in operation.

      Please plan your requests accordingly and thank you for your patience.

      IRIS DMC

  • Hello web service users,

    At the DMC we are again attempting to migrating our main Oracle database to new hardware.

    Starting at 4pm Pacific time (23:00 UTC) today our database will be put into read-only mode. After which the services will function as expected except that station metadata updates and event updates will not be occurring. When the database is put into read-only mode the service may experience a short interruption, we expect this to last no longer than a minute or two.

    Tomorrow morning, Friday September 21st, the database will be shut down and the services will be unavailable. We expect that the service will be down for some number of hours and operational again by the afternoon. A notification will be sent when the services are going offline and when they are back in operation.

    Please plan your requests accordingly and thank you for your patience.


    • Hello,

      The DMC's web services are being placed into maintenance mode now and will be unavailable during the database migration.

      If all goes well we expect the total down time to be one to two hours. A notification will be sent when they are back online.

      IRIS DMC

      On Sep 20, 2012, at 3:13 PM, Chad Trabant wrote:

      Hello web service users,

      At the DMC we are again attempting to migrating our main Oracle database to new hardware.

      Starting at 4pm Pacific time (23:00 UTC) today our database will be put into read-only mode. After which the services will function as expected except that station metadata updates and event updates will not be occurring. When the database is put into read-only mode the service may experience a short interruption, we expect this to last no longer than a minute or two.

      Tomorrow morning, Friday September 21st, the database will be shut down and the services will be unavailable. We expect that the service will be down for some number of hours and operational again by the afternoon. A notification will be sent when the services are going offline and when they are back in operation.

      Please plan your requests accordingly and thank you for your patience.

      IRIS DMC

      • Hello web service users,

        The IRIS DMC's web services are now all available. Please let us know if anything is not working as expected.

        The database migration was successful, for service users you should notice no difference except maybe a speed boost for reqeusts that use the database.

        While all the systems were down we took the opportunity to update the ws-station and ws-event services.

        Update for ws-station:
        * Unprintable characters are removed from the site field of the text output (newlines, carriage returns and nulls).

        Updates for ws-event:
        * Fixed a bug resulting in a "null exception" when asking for events updated after certain time.
        * Fixed a bug causing missing magnitudes when "eventid" input parameter is provided.

        IRIS DMC Web Services Team

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