Thread: using both a lat/lon box and donut

Started: 2013-04-24 22:10:05
Last activity: 2013-04-24 22:10:05
Topics: Web Services
Philip Crotwell
2013-04-24 22:10:05

I suspect this isn't the intention, but from some simple tests it looks to
me like the fdsn station and event web services allow simultaneously
specifying both a donut and a box and the resulting events or stations are
those that are in the intersection of the two areas.

Is this undocumented behavior likely to remain, or is it an accident of the
implementation that might go away? The spec from what I can tell does not
say if a lat/lon box and a donut are mutually exclusive or not.


  • Chad Trabant
    2013-04-24 20:58:02

    Hi Philip,

    As you suspect this is not the intention. Not only should you count on being able to select using an intersection of the two "shapes", but we will modify the service to respond that this is not allowed in a future release.


    On Apr 24, 2013, at 12:10 PM, Philip Crotwell <crotwell<at>> wrote:


    I suspect this isn't the intention, but from some simple tests it looks to me like the fdsn station and event web services allow simultaneously specifying both a donut and a box and the resulting events or stations are those that are in the intersection of the two areas.

    Is this undocumented behavior likely to remain, or is it an accident of the implementation that might go away? The spec from what I can tell does not say if a lat/lon box and a donut are mutually exclusive or not.

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