Thread: Change in comment/header of channel level text output

Started: 2015-01-20 15:35:13
Last activity: 2015-01-20 15:35:13
Topics: Web Services

Hello service users,

Our fdsnws-station service produces channel-level text output with a comment/header line at the top. In this comment line, the 11th field is described as the "Instrument" field. Here is an example:

We are going to change this field in the header to "SensorDescription" to be more consistent with the examples in the specification. The header line is provided as a helpful guide and is not strictly needed for parsing the fixed-field data content. Nevertheless, someone might parsing this header.

If you will be effected by this change and cannot modify your usage to accommodate it quickly or easily please let us know so we can coordinate a time frame for the change. If we do hear from anyone the change will go into the next release, likely this week or next.

04:29:11 v.af9cd46b