Thread: Fwd: An intern of your own for summer 2014?

Started: 2014-02-21 04:27:15
Last activity: 2014-02-21 04:27:15
Topics: Early Careers
Andrew Frassetto
2014-02-21 04:27:15
Please consider hosting an IRIS intern this summer!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: An intern of your own for summer 2014?
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 20:23:26 -0500
From: Michael Hubenthal <Michael.Hubenthal<at>>
To: Andrew, <andyf<at>>
CC: Michael Hubenthal <Michael.Hubenthal<at>>

Dear Andrew,

The IRIS Internship Program is currently accepting applications for summer 2014 mentors. As an alumni of the program, you know what an important role a mentor can play in shaping both your summer experience, and potentially your future career path!

What you may not have considered is that mentoring can also be beneficial to the mentor, and you could be a mentor or co-mentor this summer! With an IRIS intern...
- Mentors can get much needed help on funded projects
- Mentors can explore unfunded areas of research than can be used to support future proposals
- Mentors get to audition a potential graduate student
- Mentors get the pleasure of helping a high-qualified undergraduate student try out geophysics and grow as a student and person.

So, why not mentor your own IRIS intern this summer!
- If you are a post-doc or beyond, you can apply to mentor an intern.
- If you are still in grad school, your advisor will need to serve as the mentor but you can be included on the application and in the process as the co-mentor.

The online application is schedule to close on Monday- February 24, 2014. However, the application isn't too onerous.

If you and/or your advisor just can't make that deadline send me a note and I will see if I can accept a late application.

Best wishes,
Michael Hubenthal
Senior Education Specialist
IRIS Consortium

P.S.> Please do forward this to other alumni you know as some of my email addresses need updating.
P.P.S.> If you would like to update your email address with me, please drop me a reply as I'd like to keep in touch.

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