Thread: Fwd: 2014 IRIS Workshop Registration is Open

Started: 2014-03-05 04:08:48
Last activity: 2014-03-05 04:08:48
Topics: Early Careers
Andrew Frassetto
2014-03-05 04:08:48

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [iris-bulk] 2014 IRIS Workshop Registration is Open
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 11:15:33 -0800
From: IRIS Webmaster <webmaster<at>>
To: bulkmail<at> <bulkmail<at>>

Forwarded on behalf of:
Mary Baranowski
IRIS Consortium

The 2014 IRIS Workshop – Multi-use Facilities for Multi-use Data – is an opportunity to explore how new ideas and initiatives can be integrated and adapted to best facilitate the use of seismological and other data in research and discovery across the Earth sciences. IRIS is in the first year of the five-year Seismological Facilities for the Advancement of Geoscience and EarthScope (SAGE) Cooperative Agreement, which ensures continuity of existing services but also includes limited funding for initiatives to design services for the science that we envision.

The oral sessions at the Workshop will help set these initiatives in motion by engaging the community around them from several perspectives. For more information, visit the Workshop website

Important Deadlines

Scholarship Application: March 28
Science Highlights (in lieu of abstracts): April 30
Registration: May 16

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